descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeSun, 30 Oct 2022 10:27:40 +0000 (12:27 +0200)
2022-10-30 Svjatoslav... Added mentions for interesting projects master
2020-12-20 Svjatoslav... Use alternative user name for git SCM
2020-11-20 Svjatoslav... Moved Org Mode support to dedicated repository and...
2020-10-02 Svjatoslav... Misc fixes:
2020-09-11 Svjatoslav... Separate multiline code block language from remaining...
2020-09-02 Svjatoslav... Added support for: Verse, Multiline code block, drawer...
2020-09-01 Svjatoslav... Properly handle special case, when list depth decreases...
2020-08-24 Svjatoslav... Proper handling fo multiline links. Better list handling.
2020-08-15 Svjatoslav... Parse multiline list headings
2020-08-10 Svjatoslav... Properly parse org headings
2020-08-04 Svjatoslav... Use regular expression tokenizer. WIP
2020-08-01 Svjatoslav... Ability to generate headings in markdown
2020-07-30 Svjatoslav... Created document heading.
2020-06-08 Svjatoslav... Parse Emacs org mode file to object graph. WIP.
2020-05-21 Svjatoslav... Code refactoring
2020-05-16 Svjatoslav... Initial main window
23 months ago master