Optimized PNG images
authorSvjatoslav Agejenko <svjatoslav@svjatoslav.eu>
Sun, 17 Dec 2017 22:51:38 +0000 (00:51 +0200)
committerSvjatoslav Agejenko <svjatoslav@svjatoslav.eu>
Sun, 17 Dec 2017 22:51:38 +0000 (00:51 +0200)
doc/screenshots/mathematical formulas.png
doc/screenshots/raytracing fractal in voxel polygon hybrid scene.png
doc/screenshots/sinus heightmaps and sphere.png
doc/screenshots/text editors.png

index dbdc2dd..28697fd 100644 (file)
Binary files a/doc/screenshots/life.png and b/doc/screenshots/life.png differ
index 3fc5fca..fab8469 100644 (file)
Binary files a/doc/screenshots/mathematical formulas.png and b/doc/screenshots/mathematical formulas.png differ
index 9f4c074..7094240 100644 (file)
Binary files a/doc/screenshots/raytracing fractal in voxel polygon hybrid scene.png and b/doc/screenshots/raytracing fractal in voxel polygon hybrid scene.png differ
index cf5bc74..0d3e92b 100644 (file)
Binary files a/doc/screenshots/sinus heightmaps and sphere.png and b/doc/screenshots/sinus heightmaps and sphere.png differ
index c533424..8567b8b 100644 (file)
Binary files a/doc/screenshots/text editors.png and b/doc/screenshots/text editors.png differ