descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeThu, 27 Jul 2023 06:51:33 +0000 (09:51 +0300)
2023-07-27 Svjatoslav... Improved code readability master
2023-06-21 Svjatoslav... Improved code readability
2023-06-20 Svjatoslav... Improved code readability
2023-03-07 Svjatoslav... Updated readability of the code.
2023-02-28 Svjatoslav... Updated readability of the code.
2023-02-24 Svjatoslav... Improved code readability. Components now aware of...
2023-02-22 Svjatoslav... Improved code readability
2023-02-22 Svjatoslav... Moved galaxy object to 3D engine demonstration project
2022-07-13 Svjatoslav... Fixed Maven repository URL.
2022-07-11 Svjatoslav... Code refactoring.
2021-05-29 Svjatoslav... updated development scripts
2021-05-29 Svjatoslav... Added screenshot for lots of text editors
2021-05-29 Svjatoslav... Added text editor demo2 inspired by hackers movie :)
2021-05-29 Svjatoslav... Code refactoring
2021-05-28 Svjatoslav... Code refactoring
2021-01-09 Svjatoslav... Removed unused dependencies
14 months ago master