descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeSun, 30 Oct 2022 10:20:07 +0000 (12:20 +0200)
2022-10-30 Svjatoslav... fixed maven repository URL master
2022-10-30 Svjatoslav... moved references to interesting projects
2021-04-09 Svjatoslav... Linked article: Geometrical Thinking Offers a Window...
2021-04-01 Svjatoslav... Added Lisp-Stat reference
2021-03-16 Svjatoslav... updated JavaInspect version
2021-03-16 Svjatoslav... updated "see also" section
2020-12-20 Svjatoslav... Use alternative user name for git SCM
2020-06-20 Svjatoslav... Added Glamorous Toolkit reference.
2020-05-16 Svjatoslav... reorganized see-also section
2020-04-20 Svjatoslav... changed license to CC0
2020-04-20 Svjatoslav... Changed license to Creative Commons Zero (CC0).
2020-02-07 Svjatoslav... Updated copyright info
2020-01-29 Svjatoslav... Restored javadoc
2020-01-29 Svjatoslav... Updated vision
2019-10-21 Svjatoslav... added PhantomOS reference
2019-10-03 Svjatoslav... added Taichi reference
2 years ago master