<html lang="en">
<title>Sixth - system for data storage, computation, exploration and interaction</title>
-<!-- 2017-11-29 Wed 23:55 -->
+<!-- 2018-01-14 Sun 22:42 -->
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  - manipulate and compute on<br >
<br >
by extensively relying on:<br >
-  - <a href="http://www2.svjatoslav.eu/gitbrowse/sixth-3d/doc/index.html">realtime 3D graphics</a> with immediate feedback loop<br >
-  - <a href="http://www2.svjatoslav.eu/gitbrowse/sixth-data/doc/index.html">flexible and distributed computation and data storage</a><br >
+  - <a href="http://www3.svjatoslav.eu/projects/sixth-3d/">Realtime 3D graphics</a> with immediate feedback loop.<br >
+  - <a href="http://www3.svjatoslav.eu/projects/sixth-data/">Flexible and distributed computation and data storage</a>.<br >
<footer id="postamble" class="">
<div><p class="author">Author: Svjatoslav Agejenko</p>
-<p class="date">Created: 2017-11-29 Wed 23:55</p>
+<p class="date">Created: 2018-01-14 Sun 22:42</p>
<p class="creator"><a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/">Emacs</a> 25.1.1 (<a href="http://orgmode.org">Org-mode</a> 8.2.10)</p>
- manipulate and compute on
by extensively relying on:
- - [[http://www2.svjatoslav.eu/gitbrowse/sixth-3d/doc/index.html][realtime 3D graphics]] with immediate feedback loop
- - [[http://www2.svjatoslav.eu/gitbrowse/sixth-data/doc/index.html][flexible and distributed computation and data storage]]
+ - [[http://www3.svjatoslav.eu/projects/sixth-3d/][Realtime 3D graphics]] with immediate feedback loop.
+ - [[http://www3.svjatoslav.eu/projects/sixth-data/][Flexible and distributed computation and data storage]].
-cd "${0%/*}"; if [ "$1" != "T" ]; then xterm -e "'$0' T"; exit; fi;
- # TODO: needs updating
- #
- # cd ..
+cd "${0%/*}"
+cd ..
- # mvn clean
- # mkdir -p target/website/codegraphs
+#rm -rf doc/graphs/
+#mkdir -p doc/graphs/
- # mvn test package -e exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="eu.svjatoslav.sixth.DataGraph" -Dexec.classpathScope="test"
+#javainspect -j target/sixth-3d-*-SNAPSHOT.jar -d doc/graphs/ -n "all classes" -t png -h
+#javainspect -j target/sixth-3d-*-SNAPSHOT.jar -d doc/graphs/ -n "GUI" -t png -w "eu.svjatoslav.sixth.e3d.gui.*" -h
+#javainspect -j target/sixth-3d-*-SNAPSHOT.jar -d doc/graphs/ -n "raster engine" -t png -w "eu.svjatoslav.sixth.e3d.renderer.raster.*" -h
- # (
- # cd target/website/codegraphs/
- # meviz index -t Sixth
- # )
+#meviz index -w doc/graphs/ -t "Sixth 3D classes"
- # cp target/sixth.jar target/website/
- # rsync -avz --delete target/website/ n0@svjatoslav.eu:/var/www/svjatoslav.eu/projects/sixth
-echo "Script finished. Press ENTER to close this terminal"
+rsync -avz --delete -e 'ssh -p 10006' doc/ n0@www3.svjatoslav.eu:/mnt/big/projects/sixth/