
Sixth - system for data storage, computation, exploration and interaction

1 Vision / goal - A tool to amplify human ability

In short, this is what I want:

  • Perfect data storage and computation engine
  • Feeds lots of complex data into your brain in intuitive to explore, understand and manipulate form by extensively relying on realtime 3D graphics and fast feedback loop. (including virtual reality support)

    “Virtual reality holds the key to the evolution of the human mind” Dr. Lawrence Angelo, The Lawnmower Man (1992)

1.1 Perfect data storage and computation engine

I love thease existing solutions and properties:

  • Lisp (programming language):
    • Almost no syntax.
    • Code and data intercangeable.
    • Easily self modifying.
  • Smalltalk (programming language / runtime):
    • Everything is object.
    • On the fly modifiable / reprogrammable.
    • Anything can be suspended/resumed from persistent storage on the fly.
  • Relational databases:
    • Transactional
    • Indexable / Quickly searchable
  • Git (version control system)
    • Versionable
    • Branchable / mergeable.
    • Transparent cansistency, checksumming and deduplication.
  • Hadoop (computation system):
    • Many individual connected computers behave as one big computer. System is horizontally linearly scalable.
    • Programming abstraction and execution model that naturally divides problems te be solved in parallel and result easily combined.
    • Data is spread across nodes, automatic failover, built in resiliency.
    • Small pieces of code are automatically transferred to the node that contains relatively big data that needs processing (network efficiency).

I hate to choose between good things. Figuring out a way to combine above properties in one system would be beyond awesome.

(I have not solved it yet..)

2 Current status