Universe Explorer

This QBasic program draws 3D universe consisting of stars in realtime. Stars form different galaxies, and galaxies in turn form metagalaxies, witch finally form universe. Program allows you to freely fly around using mouse and the keyboard. In this simulation universe consists from many millions of stars. Since QBasic cannot handle large arrays it was quite an art to invent and optimize formula witch syntheszies any part of the universe on demand. Every galaxy and metagalaxy is unique. When user flies near to some galaxy, it will be synthezied, and detail level will increase.

single metagalaxy

single galaxy

another galaxy

	CPU 500 MHz or better
	MS QBasic (preferably QB 4.5)
	QBEXT TSR (included)

Running program:
	Since QB has no mouse support there is workaround hack: QBEXT.
	Thats a tiny TSR that must be loaded first to allow
	mouse usage.