3D Synthezier

This QBasic program was written by me in around 2003. It parses scene
definition language and creates 3D world based on it.  Result will be
in a wavefront obj file, witch can be then visualized using external

Basic concept of defining scene is:
  Simple and primitive objects are created on point and polygon level.
  More complex ones can be created my combinig already existing ones,
  while applying various transformations on them.

Objects with all its subobjects can be rotated, flipped or resized
omong any axis.  Generator has built in cache for data input and
output to minimize file access.


Attempt to make "Fifth Eelement" like city.

Attempt to make "Fifth Eelement" like city. Night.

Attempt to make "Fifth Eelement" like city. Night.

Hexangular city.

Hexangular city, closer.

Hexangular city, even closer.

I converted these 2 generated cities also
to Blender format so you can
explore them interactively :)

        Square city (3.5 MB)
        Hexagonal city (20.3 MB)

        System requirements

DOS     (6.22 preferred)
QBasic  (4.5 preferred)


* Unpack ZIP file in any folder.
* update include path inside  bin/3dparse.bas

        Running program

Make sure you have QB binaries in your PATH.
Execute  bin/city1.bat  or  bin/city2.bat to generate example citys.
After parsing is finished appropriate *.obj files will
appear in the  bin  directory holding generated scene.
Visualize scene with your favourite renderer.
(3D Studio MAX or Nugraf 3D rendering System will do)

        Directory layout

        3dparse.bas             3D generator main executable
        city1.3d                city with square-like buildings
        city2.3d                city with hexangular buildings
        result.mtl              shared material library
        *.bat                   quick launch scripts
doc                             manual
include                         3D objects used to compose the scene

        Scene description language
        (read examples...)

here                    - defines new segment
p  x y z                - defines new point
f  p1 p2 p3 p4          - defines new polygon,  p4  may be unused
warn  message           - displays warning message, and wait for key
end                     - terminates parser
mtl  material           - selects material
mtlrnd  material ...            - selects random material from list
obj  object xz45 xy20 x+3 y*2   - includes sub object, can be rotated moved
                                or resized,
                                across X Y Z. If object name begin vith ~
                                then it will be loaded from current directory.
                                if object name ends with ~ then object will
                                be parsed directly from file, and not chached,
                                to allow loading of greater than 500 lines

rnd  p^1^2^3 p^7^2^1            - select random command to execute, ^ will be
                                  converted to spaces.
# whatever text                 - comment
out  file                       - specify output file name, must be first command
set  variable  contents         - set variable contents, variable must be
                                  number, contents can be string. max variables
                                  is 100. first is 0.
anycommand %1 anything          - inserts variable 1 contents info line
cmp  flag string1 string2       - compares strings, and inserts TRUE to flag, if
                                  they are equal, else inserts FALSE. max 9 falgs
                                  ,0 first. Each subobject has its own flags.
?flag anycommand                - executes command if flag is true.
                                  exapmle: ?3 obj car z*2 xy45
dum                             - dummy function, does notheing