#+TITLE: 35mm film copying device #+AUTHOR: Svjatoslav Agejenko #+LANGUAGE: en * (document settings) :noexport: ** use dark style for TWBS-HTML exporter #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: * General + DISCLAIMER: I DO ELECTRONICS AND 3D DESIGN SOLELY AS A HOBBY. THERE COULD BE ERRORS THAT CAN RESULT IN ALL KINDS OF DAMAGE. USE THESE DESIGNS AT YOUR OWN RISK. + Author: - Svjatoslav Agejenko - Homepage: https://svjatoslav.eu - Email: mailto://svjatoslav@svjatoslav.eu * Project description [[file:make.png]] Device fixes 35mm film so that it can be digitized by photographing to digital camera in macro mode. Needs diffuse light source for background. I used white sheet of paper wrapped around book and illuminated by desk lamp. Device consists of 3 parts: + body: [[file:body.stl][download STL]] + [[file:body.png]] + cover: [[file:cover.stl][download STL]] + [[file:cover.png]] + bottom stand: [[file:bottom.stl][download STL]] + [[file:bottom.png]] Body and cover are pushed together using 2 rubber bands on the sides. Bottom rectangular stand is attached to body via screw on the bottom. FreeCAD files: + [[file:body%20and%20cover.FCStd][body and cover]] + [[file:bottom.FCStd][bottom]]