2022-10-30 Svjatoslav... fixed maven repository URL master
2022-10-30 Svjatoslav... moved references to interesting projects
2021-04-09 Svjatoslav... Linked article: Geometrical Thinking Offers a Window...
2021-04-01 Svjatoslav... Added Lisp-Stat reference
2021-03-16 Svjatoslav... updated JavaInspect version
2021-03-16 Svjatoslav... updated "see also" section
2020-12-20 Svjatoslav... Use alternative user name for git SCM
2020-06-20 Svjatoslav... Added Glamorous Toolkit reference.
2020-05-16 Svjatoslav... reorganized see-also section
2020-04-20 Svjatoslav... changed license to CC0
2020-04-20 Svjatoslav... Changed license to Creative Commons Zero (CC0).
2020-02-07 Svjatoslav... Updated copyright info
2020-01-29 Svjatoslav... Restored javadoc
2020-01-29 Svjatoslav... Updated vision
2019-10-21 Svjatoslav... added PhantomOS reference
2019-10-03 Svjatoslav... added Taichi reference
2019-09-22 Svjatoslav... reference to hypercube network
2019-09-20 Svjatoslav... Added reference to CM-1
2019-08-04 Svjatoslav... Fixed javadoc generation.
2019-08-04 Svjatoslav... Fixed javadoc generation.
2019-08-04 Svjatoslav... Added another brain-space related link.
2019-08-03 Svjatoslav... Improved IntelliJ startup script.
2019-03-27 Svjatoslav... Use HTTPS for downloading Maven artifacts
2019-01-18 Svjatoslav... added JavaDoc to web site
2019-01-18 Svjatoslav... prefer HTTPS in documentation
2019-01-18 Svjatoslav... Added reference to brain geometrical modus of operation...
2019-01-15 Svjatoslav... Added reference to ChrysaLisp
2019-01-14 Svjatoslav... Added reference to TAOS
2019-01-01 Svjatoslav... Updated copyright
2018-12-29 Svjatoslav... Ignore IntelliJ project files
2018-12-20 Svjatoslav... Fixed maven server path
2018-09-16 Svjatoslav... Deleted IntelliJ settings.
2018-09-16 Svjatoslav... Ignore IntelliJ settings
2018-07-10 Svjatoslav... Added LGPL V3. License. Updated copyright. Code formatting.
2018-06-23 Svjatoslav... Fixed TOC layout
2018-06-23 Svjatoslav... Fixed broken links
2018-01-14 Svjatoslav... Script to update web site
2017-11-29 Svjatoslav... Fixed HTML style.
2017-09-26 Svjatoslav... Described storage layers.
2017-07-29 Svjatoslav... Added relations mapping idea.
2017-07-19 Svjatoslav... Added hyperspace to object mapping idea.
2017-07-07 Svjatoslav... fixed broken link
2017-07-06 Svjatoslav... added GRAKN.AI reference
2017-07-02 Svjatoslav... Increased amount of dimensions from 4D to arbitrary.
2017-06-13 Svjatoslav... Added competing project to study
2017-05-25 Svjatoslav... Elaborated on high level vision.
2016-09-01 Svjatoslav... Updated copyright.
2016-08-23 Svjatoslav... fixed download link
2016-08-03 Svjatoslav... initial commit