2013-11-19 Svjatoslav... mkv to mp4 conversion
2013-11-09 Svjatoslav... Disabled terminal commandline option.
2013-11-02 Svjatoslav... bugfix
2013-11-02 Svjatoslav... possibility to remove artifacts generated by meviz...
2013-10-29 Svjatoslav... updated commandline handler
2013-10-29 Svjatoslav... ignore developer files
2013-10-29 Svjatoslav... deleted deeloper specific files
2013-10-27 Svjatoslav... updated meviz to work with new commandline parsing API
2013-09-18 Svjatoslav... do not track developer files
2013-09-18 Svjatoslav... recursive replace
2013-07-13 Svjatoslav... possibility to specify bitrate for MTS to MP4 converter
2013-06-26 Svjatoslav... handle files in alphabetical order
2013-06-09 Svjatoslav... testing video encoding parameters
2013-05-20 Svjatoslav... fixed typo
2013-05-03 Svjatoslav... possibility to split long text lines
2013-03-14 Svjatoslav... reduced heap requirements
2013-02-24 Svjatoslav... enabled pass through
2013-02-24 Svjatoslav... fix for latest ubuntu that mounts inserted disks at
2013-02-10 Svjatoslav... handle null paths
2013-02-10 Svjatoslav... retry loading of metadata
2013-02-08 Svjatoslav... fixed BOM header
2013-02-07 Svjatoslav... Added module to strip byte order mark from UTF text...
2013-02-06 Svjatoslav... fixed files path on generated index
2013-02-03 Svjatoslav... fixed path construction for ordinary images
2013-02-03 Svjatoslav... minor fixes related to path construction
2013-02-03 Svjatoslav... Possibility to disable HTML header and footer and title.
2013-02-03 Svjatoslav... possilibity to generate HTML while embedded on the...
2013-01-30 Svjatoslav... possilibity to generate HTML while embedded on the...
2013-01-27 Svjatoslav... possilibity to generate HTML while embedded on the...
2013-01-01 Svjatoslav... reduced required RAM size
2012-12-30 Svjatoslav... fixed maven URL
2012-12-17 Svjatoslav... initial commit