file and open it for editing.
#+begin_src elisp :results none
-(defvar ai-topic-files-directory "/home/user/my-ai-mail-directory/"
- "Directory where topic files are stored. Set it to directory you want to use.")
-(defun ai-new-topic ()
- "Create and open a topic file in the specified directory."
- (interactive)
- (let ((topic (read-string "Enter topic name: ")))
- (let ((file-path (concat ai-topic-files-directory topic ".org")))
- (if (not (file-exists-p file-path))
- (with-temp-file file-path
- (insert "#+TITLE: " topic "\n\n")))
- (find-file file-path)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (org-mode))))
+ (defvar alyverkko-topic-files-directory "/home/user/my-ai-mail-directory/"
+ "Directory where topic files are stored.")
+ (defun alyverkko-new-topic ()
+ "Create and open a topic file in the specified directory."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((topic (read-string "Enter topic name: ")))
+ (let ((file-path (concat alyverkko-topic-files-directory topic ".org")))
+ (if (not (file-exists-p file-path))
+ (with-temp-file file-path
+ ))
+ (find-file file-path)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (org-mode))))
***** Easily signal to AI that problem statement is ready for solving
** System operation
-- Enable model selection per individual inference task, allowing for
- dynamic adjustment based on task requirements.
-- Allow specification of custom prompts for each inference task to
- tailor interactions precisely.
- Consider implementing a plugin architecture to allow third-party
developers to extend Älyverkko CLI's functionality with custom
modules or integrations.