- Document selftest command.
- Allow choosing model and prompt for per task.
* General
- This program is free software: released under Creative Commons Zero
- (CC0) license
+ (CC0) license.
- Program author:
- Svjatoslav Agejenko
To illustrate its capabilities: Imagine harnessing the power of a vast
-language model, boasting around 100 billion parameters, solely relying
-on CPU computations and leveraging the open-source software
+language model, boasting approximately 100 billion parameters, solely
+relying on CPU computations and leveraging the open-source software
llama.cpp. This setup requires a modern consumer-grade CPU and
approximately 128 GB of RAM. To put this into perspective, 128 GB of
RAM is financially comparable to purchasing a high-quality smartphone,
- Default value: 6
- models :: List of available large language models.
- - alias :: Short model alias.
+ - alias :: Short model alias. Model with alias "default" would be used by default.
- filesystem_path :: File name of the model as located within
- context_size_tokens :: Context size in tokens that model was
conversation. Default value is: *null*.
- prompts :: List of predefined system prompts for AI.
- - alias :: Short prompt alias.
+ - alias :: Short prompt alias. Prompt with alias "default" will be used by default.
- prompt :: Actual prompt that will be sent to AI alongside actual
user question.
-While it is possible to configure many prompts and models, at the
-moment Älyverkko CLI will always choose model and prompt with
-"default" alias. This is going to be fixed soon.
*** Enlisting available models
Once Älyverkko CLI is installed and properly configured, you can run
following command at commandline to see what models are available to
: alyverkko-cli listmodels
+*** Self test
+The *selftest* command performs a series of checks to ensure the
+system is configured correctly:
+: alyverkko-cli selftest
+It verifies:
+- Configuration file integrity.
+- Model directory existence.
+- The presence of the *llama.cpp* executable.
** Starting daemon
Älyverkko CLI keeps continuously listening for and processing tasks
- Add support for speculative decoding to speed up inference.
-- Implement selftest command. It shall validate that configuration is
- correct and all is operational. If errors are found, it should tell
- what exactly is wrong and suggest how to fix it.
- Explain how to monitor system performance and resource usage during
AI processing tasks.
private void openFileWithEditor() throws IOException {
- String editorCommand = sanitizeArgumentForShell(StringUtils.join(" ", "emc", outputFile.getAbsolutePath()));
- Runtime.getRuntime().exec(editorCommand);
- }
- private String sanitizeArgumentForShell(String argument) {
- // Implement logic to escape or quote the argument for use in shell commands
- return "\"" + argument.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"";
+ String [] cmd = {"emc", outputFile.getAbsolutePath()};
+ Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
private void joinFiles() throws IOException {
package eu.svjatoslav.alyverkko_cli.commands;
import eu.svjatoslav.alyverkko_cli.*;
+import eu.svjatoslav.alyverkko_cli.model.Model;
import eu.svjatoslav.alyverkko_cli.model.ModelLibrary;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.cli_helper.parameter_parser.Parser;
-import eu.svjatoslav.commons.cli_helper.parameter_parser.parameter.DirectoryOption;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.cli_helper.parameter_parser.parameter.FileOption;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.*;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Optional;
import static eu.svjatoslav.alyverkko_cli.configuration.Configuration.loadConfiguration;
import static eu.svjatoslav.alyverkko_cli.Main.configuration;
mailQuery.userPrompt = inputFileContent.substring(firstNewLineIndex + 1);
+ // Parse TOCOMPUTE line for inference settings
String firstLine = inputFileContent.substring(0, firstNewLineIndex);
- //System.out.println("First line is: \"" + firstLine + "\"");
- mailQuery.systemPrompt = configuration.getPromptByAlias("default");
- mailQuery.model = modelLibrary.findModelByAlias("default").get();
+ Map<String, String> settings = parseSettings(firstLine);
+ String systemPromptAlias = settings.getOrDefault("prompt", "default");
+ String modelAlias = settings.getOrDefault("model", "default");
+ mailQuery.systemPrompt = configuration.getPromptByAlias(systemPromptAlias);
+ Optional<Model> modelOptional = modelLibrary.findModelByAlias(modelAlias);
+ if (!modelOptional.isPresent()) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model with alias '" + modelAlias + "' not found.");
+ }
+ mailQuery.model = modelOptional.get();
return mailQuery;
+ private Map<String, String> parseSettings(String toComputeLine) {
+ if (!toComputeLine.startsWith("TOCOMPUTE:")) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid TOCOMPUTE line: " + toComputeLine);
+ }
+ if (toComputeLine.length() <= "TOCOMPUTE: ".length()) {
+ return new HashMap<>();
+ }
+ // Assuming the format is "TOCOMPUTE: key1=value1 key2=value2 ..."
+ String[] parts = toComputeLine.substring("TOCOMPUTE: ".length()).split("\\s+");
+ Map<String, String> settings = new HashMap<>();
+ for (String part : parts) {
+ String[] keyValue = part.split("=");
+ if (keyValue.length == 2) settings.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
+ }
+ return settings;
+ }
private void processDetectedFilesystemEvents(WatchKey key) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
for (WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents()) {
WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind();