repository has to be cloned locally. See: [[id:c47ff9a6-d737-4b73-9393-1c63d2ca1101][Getting the source code]].
Then study and execute installation script:
-: commandline launcher/install
+#+begin_src sh
+ cd commandline\ launcher
+ ./install
After installation, new commandline tool should be available
: javainspect
:ID: 2ad2889e-6c95-4662-b3f4-2c341fc74522
-JavaInspect can be controlled in 2 different ways:
+JavaInspect utility can be used in 2 different ways:
+ [[id:acf1896a-74b4-4914-acf6-a77075e07f25][as standalone commandline utility]]
+ [[id:bbeeffc8-3767-440d-8d93-ec9124dd60ee][as embedded Java library via Java API]]
-** Usage as commandline utility
- :ID: acf1896a-74b4-4914-acf6-a77075e07f25
- :END:
-*** Available commandline arguments
--j (existing files)...
- JAR file(s) to render.
--c (existing directories)...
- Classpath directories
--n (string)
- Graph name. (default: "graph")
- Show debug info.
--h, --help
- Show commandline usage help.
- Keep dot file.
- Hide orphaned classes.
--w (one to many strings)...
- Whitelist glob(s).
--b (one to many strings)...
- Blacklist glob(s).
--r (one to many strings)...
- root class(es).
--d (existing directory)
- Target directory. Default is current directory.
--t (options: png, svg)
- Target image type. Default is: svg.
-*** Specifying classes to render
-Normal Java application has immense complexity. In addition to code
-that was directly written by particular project developers, lots of
-functionality is typically added as frameworks or libraries to the
-project. In addition there is significant Java standard library.
-Because JavaInspect uses reflection, it does not easily distinguish
-between those. In normal situation you would rather want to visualize
-only code that was developed specifically for your project and leave
-frameworks like Spring etc. out. If you visualize all classes that are
-possibly reachable from you project, you will easily get huge and
-incomprehensible graph.
-JavaInspect can digest compiled Java classes in 2 modes:
-1. Provide list of Jar files. Use *-j* option.
-2. Provide list of filesystem directories that can be used as
- classpath root. Use *-c* option.
-Currently JavaInspect uses following algorithm to add classes to
-rendered graph:
-- All classes that were found in Jar files are added to graph by default.
-- None of the classes that were found in filesystem directories are
- added to the graph by default (unless explicitly referenced). (TODO:
- for consistency it would be better to add them too by default)
-- If whitelist is specified (*-w* option) everything that is not
- matched by whitelist pattern(s) will be removed from the graph.
-- If blacklist is specified (*-b* option) everything that is matched
- by blacklist pattern(s) will be removed from the graph.
-- Root classes can be specified using *-r* option. Root classes will
- be added to the graph. JavaInspect will then try to recursively
- discover all classes that were referenced by root class and add
- those also to the graph.
** Usage via Java API
:ID: bbeeffc8-3767-440d-8d93-ec9124dd60ee
- [[;a=summary][Browse Git repository online]]
- [[;a=snapshot;h=HEAD;sf=tgz][Download latest snapshot in TAR GZ format]]
- You can clone Git repository using git:
- : git clone
+ : git clone
--- /dev/null
+:ID: acf1896a-74b4-4914-acf6-a77075e07f25
+#+TITLE: JavaInspect - usage from commandline
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=1.0in]{geometry}
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{parskip}
+#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[none]{hyphenat}
+#+OPTIONS: H:20 num:20
+#+OPTIONS: author:nil
+* Available commandline arguments
+- -j (existing files)... :: JAR file(s) to render.
+- -c (existing directories)... :: Classpath directories
+- -n (string) :: Graph name. (default: "graph")
+- --debug :: Show debug info.
+- -h, --help :: Show commandline usage help.
+- -k :: Keep dot file.
+- -ho ::
+ Hide orphaned classes.
+- -w (one to many strings)... :: Whitelist glob(s).
+- -b (one to many strings)... :: Blacklist glob(s).
+- -r (one to many strings)... :: root class(es).
+- -d (existing directory) :: Target directory. Default is current directory.
+- -t (options: png, svg) :: Target image type. Default is: svg.
+* Specifying classes to render
+Normal Java application has immense complexity. In addition to code
+that was directly written by particular project developers, lots of
+functionality is typically added as frameworks or libraries to the
+project. In addition there is significant Java standard library.
+Because JavaInspect uses reflection, it does not easily distinguish
+between those. In normal situation you would rather want to visualize
+only code that was developed specifically for your project and leave
+frameworks like Spring etc. out. If you visualize all classes that are
+possibly reachable from you project, you will easily get huge and
+incomprehensible graph.
+JavaInspect can digest compiled Java classes in 2 modes:
+1. Provide list of Jar files. Use *-j* option.
+2. Provide list of filesystem directories that can be used as
+ classpath root. Use *-c* option.
+Currently JavaInspect uses following algorithm to add classes to
+rendered graph:
+- All classes that were found in Jar files are added to graph by default.
+- None of the classes that were found in filesystem directories are
+ added to the graph by default (unless explicitly referenced). (TODO:
+ for consistency it would be better to add them too by default)
+- If whitelist is specified (*-w* option) everything that is not
+ matched by whitelist pattern(s) will be removed from the graph.
+- If blacklist is specified (*-b* option) everything that is matched
+ by blacklist pattern(s) will be removed from the graph.
+- Root classes can be specified using *-r* option. Root classes will
+ be added to the graph. JavaInspect will then try to recursively
+ discover all classes that were referenced by root class and add
+ those also to the graph.
+* Examples
+Visualize java Jar file. All classes. Hide orphaned classes:
+#+begin_src sh
+ javainspect \
+ -j target/sixth-3d-*-SNAPSHOT.jar \
+ -d doc/graphs/ \
+ -n "all classes" \
+ -t png -ho
+Visualize java Jar file. All classes. Hide orphaned classes. Apply
+#+begin_src sh
+ javainspect \
+ -j target/sixth-3d-*-SNAPSHOT.jar \
+ -d doc/graphs/ \
+ -n "GUI" \
+ -t png \
+ -w "eu.svjatoslav.sixth.e3d.gui.*" \
+ -ho