added holes to cover
authorSvjatoslav Agejenko <>
Sat, 11 Jul 2020 09:01:39 +0000 (12:01 +0300)
committerSvjatoslav Agejenko <>
Sat, 11 Jul 2020 09:01:39 +0000 (12:01 +0300)
power/12V Lead-Acid battery changer and terminal, 2/body and covers.FCStd
power/12V Lead-Acid battery changer and terminal, 2/cover cover.png
power/12V Lead-Acid battery changer and terminal, 2/cover.stl

index 654c718..3b9f969 100644 (file)
Binary files a/power/12V Lead-Acid battery changer and terminal, 2/body and covers.FCStd and b/power/12V Lead-Acid battery changer and terminal, 2/body and covers.FCStd differ
index c503072..1fc9645 100644 (file)
Binary files a/power/12V Lead-Acid battery changer and terminal, 2/cover cover.png and b/power/12V Lead-Acid battery changer and terminal, 2/cover cover.png differ
index c848d80..a83b602 100644 (file)
Binary files a/power/12V Lead-Acid battery changer and terminal, 2/cover.stl and b/power/12V Lead-Acid battery changer and terminal, 2/cover.stl differ