- Produces single executable with dependencies.
- Default to render SVG.
- Default to output to `user.dir` (i.e. working directory).
+### Building
+1. Install [Maven](http://maven.apache.org/).
+2. Package JAR:
+ `mvn clean package`
+### Running
+1. You will need to add the classes would like to visualize to your classpath.
+2. Provide a package glob pattern to identify the classes you want to visualize.
+3. Name your output.
+java \
+ -cp .:/path/to/your/classes.jar:./target/javainspect-{VERSION}.jar \
+ eu.svjatoslav.inspector.java.methods.Main \
+ /home/user/work/myproject/src/main/java/ com.myproject.* myproject
+Here we want to visualize _com.myproject.*_ classes found in
+*/home/user/work/myproject/src/main/java/*. The resulting *dot* and *svg*
+file will be prefixed with *myproject*.