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+ <title>MeWiz</title>
- <h1>MeWiz - Media Wizard</h1>
- <a href="http://php.svjatoslav.eu/gitweb/?p=meviz.git;a=snapshot;h=HEAD;sf=tgz">Download</a>
- <a href="http://svjatoslav.eu/static/gitbrowse/meviz/doc/index.html">Online homepage</a>
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+<h1>MeWiz - Media Wizard</h1>
+<a href="http://php.svjatoslav.eu/gitweb/?p=meviz.git;a=snapshot;h=HEAD;sf=tgz">Download</a>
+<a href="http://svjatoslav.eu/static/gitbrowse/meviz/doc/index.html">Online homepage</a>
+<a href="http://svjatoslav.eu/programs.jsp">Other applications hosted on svjatoslav.eu</a>
<b>Program author:</b>
Svjatoslav Agejenko
Homepage: <a href="http://svjatoslav.eu">http://svjatoslav.eu</a>
Email: <a href="mailto:svjatoslav@svjatoslav.eu">svjatoslav@svjatoslav.eu</a>
-This software is distributed under <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html">GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2</a>.
+This software is distributed under <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html">GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version
+ 2</a>.
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- <name>meviz</name>
- <description>media wizard</description>
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- <name>svjatoslav.eu</name>
- <url>http://svjatoslav.eu</url>
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+ <description>media wizard</description>
+ <organization>
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+ <url>http://svjatoslav.eu</url>
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package eu.svjatoslav.meviz;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.Encoder;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Main {
- public static ArrayList<Module> modules;
+ public static ArrayList<Module> modules;
- public static String[] getRemainingOptions(final String[] options) {
- final String[] remainingOptions = new String[options.length - 1];
+ public static String[] getRemainingOptions(final String[] options) {
+ final String[] remainingOptions = new String[options.length - 1];
- for (int i = 1; i < options.length; i++)
- remainingOptions[i - 1] = options[i];
+ System.arraycopy(options, 1, remainingOptions, 0, options.length - 1);
- return remainingOptions;
- };
+ return remainingOptions;
+ }
- public static void initModules() {
- modules = new ArrayList<Module>();
+ public static void initModules() {
+ modules = new ArrayList<Module>();
- modules.add(new Encoder());
- modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.Main());
- modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.renamer.Main());
- modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.grabmemcard.Main());
- modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.texttruncate.Main());
- modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.textsplitter.Main());
- modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.bomremove.Main());
- modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.replace.Main());
- }
+ modules.add(new Encoder());
+ modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.Main());
+ modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.renamer.Main());
+ modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.grabmemcard.Main());
+ modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.texttruncate.Main());
+ modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.textsplitter.Main());
+ modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.bomremove.Main());
+ modules.add(new eu.svjatoslav.meviz.replace.Main());
+ }
- public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
+ public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
- initModules();
+ initModules();
- if (args.length < 1)
- showHelp();
- else if (args[0].equals("help")) {
- if (args.length != 2)
- showHelp();
- else {
+ if (args.length < 1)
+ showHelp();
+ else if (args[0].equals("help")) {
+ if (args.length != 2)
+ showHelp();
+ else {
- for (final Module module : modules)
- if (args[1].equals(module.getModuleCommand())) {
- module.showCommandlineHelp();
- return;
- }
+ for (final Module module : modules)
+ if (args[1].equals(module.getModuleCommand())) {
+ module.showCommandlineHelp();
+ return;
+ }
- System.out.println("Error: unrecognized module by name:"
- + args[1] + "\n");
- showHelp();
+ System.out.println("Error: unrecognized module by name:"
+ + args[1] + "\n");
+ showHelp();
- }
- } else {
+ }
+ } else {
- for (final Module module : modules)
- if (args[0].equals(module.getModuleCommand())) {
- module.run(getRemainingOptions(args));
- return;
- }
+ for (final Module module : modules)
+ if (args[0].equals(module.getModuleCommand())) {
+ module.run(getRemainingOptions(args));
+ return;
+ }
- System.out.println("Error: unrecognized commandline option:"
- + args[0] + "\n");
- showHelp();
- }
+ System.out.println("Error: unrecognized commandline option:"
+ + args[0] + "\n");
+ showHelp();
+ }
- }
+ }
- public static void showHelp() {
- final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ public static void showHelp() {
+ final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
- buffer.append("Commandline options: \n"
- + "help\n show this help screen \n\n");
+ buffer.append("Commandline options: \n"
+ + "help\n show this help screen \n\n");
- buffer.append("help <module>\n show module specific help screen\n\n");
+ buffer.append("help <module>\n show module specific help screen\n\n");
- buffer.append("Available modules:\n\n");
+ buffer.append("Available modules:\n\n");
- for (final Module module : modules) {
- buffer.append(module.getModuleCommand() + "\n");
- buffer.append(" " + module.getDescription() + "\n\n");
- }
+ for (final Module module : modules) {
+ buffer.append(module.getModuleCommand() + "\n");
+ buffer.append(" " + module.getDescription() + "\n\n");
+ }
- System.out.println(buffer.toString());
- }
+ System.out.println(buffer.toString());
+ }
public interface Module {
- public String getDescription();
+ String getDescription();
- public String getModuleCommand();
+ String getModuleCommand();
- public void run(String args[]) throws Exception;
+ void run(String args[]) throws Exception;
- public void showCommandlineHelp();
+ void showCommandlineHelp();
public class BomStrippingOptions {
- public ArrayList<String> inputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
+ public ArrayList<String> inputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
- public boolean recursive = false;
+ public boolean recursive = false;
- public File targetDirectory;
+ public File targetDirectory;
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.bomremove;
-import java.io.File;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.Parser;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.DirectoryParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.NullParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.StringParameters;
+import java.io.File;
public class CommandlineHandler {
- Parser parser = new Parser();
+ Parser parser = new Parser();
- NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
- new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
- "--recursive");
+ NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
+ new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
+ "--recursive");
- StringParameters inputPatternParameter = parser.add(
- new StringParameters("File input pattern.")).addAliases("-i",
- "--input-pattern");
+ StringParameters inputPatternParameter = parser.add(
+ new StringParameters("File input pattern.")).addAliases("-i",
+ "--input-pattern");
- DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser
- .add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
- .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
+ DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser
+ .add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
+ .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
- public BomStrippingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
+ public BomStrippingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
- final BomStrippingOptions options = new BomStrippingOptions();
+ final BomStrippingOptions options = new BomStrippingOptions();
- if (!parser.parse(args))
- return null;
+ if (!parser.parse(args))
+ return null;
- if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.recursive = true;
+ if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.recursive = true;
- if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.targetDirectory = workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
- else
- options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
+ if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.targetDirectory = workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
+ else
+ options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
- // TODO: add support for multiple input patterns
- if (inputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.inputPatterns.addAll(inputPatternParameter.getValue());
+ // TODO: add support for multiple input patterns
+ if (inputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.inputPatterns.addAll(inputPatternParameter.getValue());
- return options;
- }
+ return options;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.bomremove;
+import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.IOHelper;
+import eu.svjatoslav.commons.string.WildCardMatcher;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.Module;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
-import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.IOHelper;
-import eu.svjatoslav.commons.string.WildCardMatcher;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.Module;
public class Main implements Module {
- byte[] bomHeader = new byte[] { (byte) 0xef, (byte) 0xbb, (byte) 0xbf };
+ byte[] bomHeader = new byte[]{(byte) 0xef, (byte) 0xbb, (byte) 0xbf};
- CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
+ CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
- BomStrippingOptions options;
+ BomStrippingOptions options;
- public boolean contains(final byte[] header, final byte[] patternToSeek) {
+ public boolean contains(final byte[] header, final byte[] patternToSeek) {
- for (int i = 0; i < patternToSeek.length; i++)
- if (header[i] != patternToSeek[i])
- return false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < patternToSeek.length; i++)
+ if (header[i] != patternToSeek[i])
+ return false;
- return true;
- }
+ return true;
+ }
- public boolean fileContainsHeader(final File file)
- throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+ public boolean fileContainsHeader(final File file)
+ throws IOException {
- final FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
+ final FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
- final byte[] currentFileHeader = new byte[bomHeader.length];
- fileInputStream.read(currentFileHeader);
- fileInputStream.close();
+ final byte[] currentFileHeader = new byte[bomHeader.length];
+ fileInputStream.read(currentFileHeader);
+ fileInputStream.close();
- return contains(currentFileHeader, bomHeader);
- }
+ return contains(currentFileHeader, bomHeader);
+ }
- public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
- final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase();
+ public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
+ final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase();
- for (final String inputPattern : options.inputPatterns)
- if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern.toLowerCase()))
- return true;
+ for (final String inputPattern : options.inputPatterns)
+ if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern.toLowerCase()))
+ return true;
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "Remove byte order mark (bom) from UTF text files if they are present.";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "Remove byte order mark (bom) from UTF text files if they are present.";
+ }
- @Override
- public String getModuleCommand() {
- return "stripbom";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getModuleCommand() {
+ return "stripbom";
+ }
- public void processDirectory(final File directory) {
+ public void processDirectory(final File directory) {
- for (final File subFile : directory.listFiles())
- if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
- if (options.recursive)
- processDirectory(subFile);
- } else if (fileMatchesInputPattern(subFile))
- try {
- processFile(subFile);
- } catch (final IOException exception) {
- System.out.println("Error processing file: "
- + subFile.getAbsolutePath());
- System.out.println(" exception: "
- + exception.getMessage());
- }
+ for (final File subFile : directory.listFiles())
+ if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
+ if (options.recursive)
+ processDirectory(subFile);
+ } else if (fileMatchesInputPattern(subFile))
+ try {
+ processFile(subFile);
+ } catch (final IOException exception) {
+ System.out.println("Error processing file: "
+ + subFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ System.out.println(" exception: "
+ + exception.getMessage());
+ }
- }
+ }
- public void processFile(final File file) throws IOException {
+ public void processFile(final File file) throws IOException {
- if (file.length() < bomHeader.length)
- return;
+ if (file.length() < bomHeader.length)
+ return;
- if (!fileContainsHeader(file))
- return;
+ if (!fileContainsHeader(file))
+ return;
- System.out.println("Removing BOM from: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
- stripFileFromHeader(file);
- }
+ System.out.println("Removing BOM from: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
+ stripFileFromHeader(file);
+ }
- @Override
- public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
+ @Override
+ public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
- options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
+ options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
- if (options == null) {
- showCommandlineHelp();
- return;
- }
+ if (options == null) {
+ showCommandlineHelp();
+ return;
+ }
- processDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
+ processDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
- }
+ }
- @Override
- public void showCommandlineHelp() {
- commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
- }
+ @Override
+ public void showCommandlineHelp() {
+ commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
+ }
- public void stripFileFromHeader(final File file)
- throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
- // read entire file
- final byte[] fileContents = IOHelper.getFileContents(file);
+ public void stripFileFromHeader(final File file)
+ throws IOException {
+ // read entire file
+ final byte[] fileContents = IOHelper.getFileContents(file);
- // remove BOM header form file
- final byte[] newFileContents = Arrays.copyOfRange(fileContents,
- bomHeader.length, fileContents.length);
+ // remove BOM header form file
+ final byte[] newFileContents = Arrays.copyOfRange(fileContents,
+ bomHeader.length, fileContents.length);
- // overwrite file with new contents
- IOHelper.saveToFile(file, newFileContents);
- }
+ // overwrite file with new contents
+ IOHelper.saveToFile(file, newFileContents);
+ }
public class BitrateParameter extends Parameter<BitrateParameter> {
- static public enum bitrate {
- }
- public BitrateParameter(final String description) {
- super(description, ArgumentCount.SINGLE);
- }
- @Override
- public String describeFormat() {
- return "Target bitrate [NONE / LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH / COPY ]";
- };
- @Override
- public bitrate getValue() {
- return bitrate.valueOf(arguments.get(0).toUpperCase());
- }
- @Override
- public boolean validate(final String value) {
- try {
- bitrate.valueOf(value.toUpperCase());
- } catch (final IllegalArgumentException exception) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
+ public BitrateParameter(final String description) {
+ super(description, ArgumentCount.SINGLE);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String describeFormat() {
+ return "Target bitrate [NONE / LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH / COPY ]";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public bitrate getValue() {
+ return bitrate.valueOf(arguments.get(0).toUpperCase());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean validate(final String value) {
+ try {
+ bitrate.valueOf(value.toUpperCase());
+ } catch (final IllegalArgumentException exception) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public enum bitrate {
+ }
public class CommandlineHandler {
- Parser parser = new Parser();
+ Parser parser = new Parser();
- StringParameters outputFormatParameter = parser.add(new StringParameters("Encoding output format."))
- .addAliases("-o", "--output-format").setMandatory();
+ StringParameters outputFormatParameter = parser.add(new StringParameters("Encoding output format."))
+ .addAliases("-o", "--output-format").setMandatory();
- IntegerParameter targetFramerate = parser
- .add(new IntegerParameter("Target framerate.").addAliases("-f", "--target-framerate"));
+ IntegerParameter targetFramerate = parser
+ .add(new IntegerParameter("Target framerate.").addAliases("-f", "--target-framerate"));
- NullParameter deinterlaceParameter = parser.add(new NullParameter("Deinterlace video.")).addAliases("-d",
- "--deinterlace");
+ NullParameter deinterlaceParameter = parser.add(new NullParameter("Deinterlace video.")).addAliases("-d",
+ "--deinterlace");
- NullParameter testParameter = parser.add(new NullParameter("Simulate file encoding.")).addAliases("-t", "--test");
+ NullParameter testParameter = parser.add(new NullParameter("Simulate file encoding.")).addAliases("-t", "--test");
- NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
- "--recursive");
+ NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
+ "--recursive");
- NullParameter forPortableParameter = parser.add(new NullParameter("Encode for portable player.")).addAliases("-p",
- "--portable");
+ NullParameter forPortableParameter = parser.add(new NullParameter("Encode for portable player.")).addAliases("-p",
+ "--portable");
- StringParameters inputPatternParameter = parser.add(new StringParameters("File input pattern."))
- .addAliases("-i", "--input-pattern").setMandatory();
+ StringParameters inputPatternParameter = parser.add(new StringParameters("File input pattern."))
+ .addAliases("-i", "--input-pattern").setMandatory();
- DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser.add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
- .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
+ DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser.add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
+ .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
- BitrateParameter videoBitrateParameter = parser.add(new BitrateParameter("Video bitrate")).addAliases("-v",
- "--video-bitrate");
+ BitrateParameter videoBitrateParameter = parser.add(new BitrateParameter("Video bitrate")).addAliases("-v",
+ "--video-bitrate");
- BitrateParameter audioBitrateParameter = parser.add(new BitrateParameter("Audio bitrate")).addAliases("-a",
- "--audio-bitrate");
+ BitrateParameter audioBitrateParameter = parser.add(new BitrateParameter("Audio bitrate")).addAliases("-a",
+ "--audio-bitrate");
- /**
- * @return {@link EncodingOptions} if commandline arguments were
- * successfully parsed, or <code>null</code> if parsing error
- * occurred.
- */
- public EncodingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
+ /**
+ * @return {@link EncodingOptions} if commandline arguments were
+ * successfully parsed, or <code>null</code> if parsing error
+ * occurred.
+ */
+ public EncodingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
- final EncodingOptions options = new EncodingOptions();
+ final EncodingOptions options = new EncodingOptions();
- parser.parse(args);
+ parser.parse(args);
- options.setRecursive(recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified());
+ options.setRecursive(recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified());
- options.setDeinterlace(deinterlaceParameter.isParameterSpecified());
+ options.setDeinterlace(deinterlaceParameter.isParameterSpecified());
- options.setTestOnly(testParameter.isParameterSpecified());
+ options.setTestOnly(testParameter.isParameterSpecified());
- if (outputFormatParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.getOutputFormats().addAll(outputFormatParameter.getValue());
+ if (outputFormatParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.getOutputFormats().addAll(outputFormatParameter.getValue());
- if (targetFramerate.isParameterSpecified())
- options.setTargetFps(targetFramerate.getValue());
+ if (targetFramerate.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.setTargetFps(targetFramerate.getValue());
- if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectoryParameter.getValue());
+ if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.setWorkingDirectory(workingDirectoryParameter.getValue());
- if (inputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.getInputPatterns().addAll(inputPatternParameter.getValue());
+ if (inputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.getInputPatterns().addAll(inputPatternParameter.getValue());
- options.setForPortablePlayer(forPortableParameter.isParameterSpecified());
+ options.setForPortablePlayer(forPortableParameter.isParameterSpecified());
- if (videoBitrateParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.setVideoBitrate(videoBitrateParameter.getValue());
+ if (videoBitrateParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.setVideoBitrate(videoBitrateParameter.getValue());
- if (audioBitrateParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.setAudioBitrate(audioBitrateParameter.getValue());
+ if (audioBitrateParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.setAudioBitrate(audioBitrateParameter.getValue());
- return options;
- }
+ return options;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.List;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.string.WildCardMatcher;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.Module;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.AbstractConverter;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.List;
public class Encoder implements Module {
- public FormatsRegistry encoderRegistry = new FormatsRegistry();
- public EncodingOptions encodingOptions;
- public EncodingPlan encodingPlan;
- CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
- /**
- * Generate encoding plan
- *
- * @param sourceFile
- * Source directory of file
- */
- public void compileEncodingPlan(final File sourceFile) {
- if (!sourceFile.exists()) {
- System.out.println("Error: file \"" + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()
- + "\" does not exist.");
- return;
- }
- if (sourceFile.isDirectory()) {
- // handle directory
- for (final File subFile : sourceFile.listFiles())
- if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
- if (encodingOptions.isRecursive())
- compileEncodingPlan(subFile);
- } else
- compileEncodingPlan(subFile);
- } else if (sourceFile.isFile())
- if (fileMatchesInputPattern(sourceFile)) {
- // System.out.println("Processing file: " +
- // file.getAbsolutePath());
- final String sourceFileExtension = FilePathParser
- .getFileExtension(sourceFile);
- // encode source file into every desired target format
- for (final String targetFormat : encodingOptions.getOutputFormats()) {
- // construct target file
- final File targetFile = getTargetFile(sourceFile,
- targetFormat);
- // System.out.println("target path: " +
- // targetFilePath.toString());
- if (!targetFile.exists()) {
- final List<eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.AbstractConverter> formats = encoderRegistry
- .getEncoders(sourceFileExtension, targetFormat);
- if (formats.size() == 0)
- System.out
- .println("Error: no encoders found to convert file \""
- + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()
- + "\" into "
- + targetFormat
- + " format.");
- else if (formats.size() > 1)
- System.out
- .println("Error: Encoders piping not yet supported to convert file \""
- + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()
- + "\" into "
- + targetFormat
- + " format.");
- else {
- final AbstractConverter chosenFormat = formats
- .get(0);
- final EncodingTask encodingTask = new EncodingTask(
- sourceFile, targetFile, chosenFormat,
- targetFormat);
- if (chosenFormat.isTerminalMandatory())
- encodingTask.setUseTerminal(true);
- encodingPlan.scheduleTask(encodingTask);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param file
- * single file candidate to potentially be encoded
- *
- * @return <code>true</code> if file shall be encoded.
- */
- public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
- final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase();
- for (final String inputPattern : encodingOptions.getInputPatterns())
- if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern.toLowerCase()))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "Convert between various media formats.";
- }
- @Override
- public String getModuleCommand() {
- return "encode";
- }
- private File getTargetFile(final File sourceFile, final String targetFormat) {
- final StringBuffer targetFilePath = new StringBuffer();
- targetFilePath.append(sourceFile.getParent());
- targetFilePath.append("/");
- targetFilePath.append(FilePathParser
- .getFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile));
- targetFilePath.append(".");
- targetFilePath.append(targetFormat);
- return new File(targetFilePath.toString());
- }
- @Override
- public void run(final String[] args) {
- // parse incoming commandline arguments
- encodingOptions = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
- if (encodingOptions == null) {
- showCommandlineHelp();
- return;
- }
- encodingPlan = new EncodingPlan();
- compileEncodingPlan(encodingOptions.getWorkingDirectory());
- if (!encodingOptions.isTestOnly())
- try {
- encodingPlan.execute(encodingOptions);
- } catch (final Exception exception) {
- exception.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void showCommandlineHelp() {
- commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
- System.out.println("Example commands:");
- System.out
- .println(" Convert all MTS files in the current directory into MP4's.");
- System.out.println(" meviz encode -o mp4 -i *.MTS");
- }
+ public FormatsRegistry encoderRegistry = new FormatsRegistry();
+ public EncodingOptions encodingOptions;
+ public EncodingPlan encodingPlan;
+ CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
+ /**
+ * Generate encoding plan
+ *
+ * @param sourceFile Source directory of file
+ */
+ public void compileEncodingPlan(final File sourceFile) {
+ if (!sourceFile.exists()) {
+ System.out.println("Error: file \"" + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + "\" does not exist.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sourceFile.isDirectory()) {
+ // handle directory
+ for (final File subFile : sourceFile.listFiles())
+ if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
+ if (encodingOptions.isRecursive())
+ compileEncodingPlan(subFile);
+ } else
+ compileEncodingPlan(subFile);
+ } else if (sourceFile.isFile())
+ if (fileMatchesInputPattern(sourceFile)) {
+ // System.out.println("Processing file: " +
+ // file.getAbsolutePath());
+ final String sourceFileExtension = FilePathParser
+ .getFileExtension(sourceFile);
+ // encode source file into every desired target format
+ for (final String targetFormat : encodingOptions.getOutputFormats()) {
+ // construct target file
+ final File targetFile = getTargetFile(sourceFile,
+ targetFormat);
+ // System.out.println("target path: " +
+ // targetFilePath.toString());
+ if (!targetFile.exists()) {
+ final List<eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.AbstractConverter> formats = encoderRegistry
+ .getEncoders(sourceFileExtension, targetFormat);
+ if (formats.size() == 0)
+ System.out
+ .println("Error: no encoders found to convert file \""
+ + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + "\" into "
+ + targetFormat
+ + " format.");
+ else if (formats.size() > 1)
+ System.out
+ .println("Error: Encoders piping not yet supported to convert file \""
+ + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + "\" into "
+ + targetFormat
+ + " format.");
+ else {
+ final AbstractConverter chosenFormat = formats
+ .get(0);
+ final EncodingTask encodingTask = new EncodingTask(
+ sourceFile, targetFile, chosenFormat,
+ targetFormat);
+ if (chosenFormat.isTerminalMandatory())
+ encodingTask.setUseTerminal(true);
+ encodingPlan.scheduleTask(encodingTask);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param file single file candidate to potentially be encoded
+ * @return <code>true</code> if file shall be encoded.
+ */
+ public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
+ final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase();
+ for (final String inputPattern : encodingOptions.getInputPatterns())
+ if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern.toLowerCase()))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "Convert between various media formats.";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getModuleCommand() {
+ return "encode";
+ }
+ private File getTargetFile(final File sourceFile, final String targetFormat) {
+ String targetFilePath = sourceFile.getParent() +
+ "/" +
+ FilePathParser
+ .getFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile) +
+ "." +
+ targetFormat;
+ return new File(targetFilePath);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void run(final String[] args) {
+ // parse incoming commandline arguments
+ encodingOptions = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
+ if (encodingOptions == null) {
+ showCommandlineHelp();
+ return;
+ }
+ encodingPlan = new EncodingPlan();
+ compileEncodingPlan(encodingOptions.getWorkingDirectory());
+ if (!encodingOptions.isTestOnly())
+ try {
+ encodingPlan.execute(encodingOptions);
+ } catch (final Exception exception) {
+ exception.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void showCommandlineHelp() {
+ commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
+ System.out.println("Example commands:");
+ System.out
+ .println(" Convert all MTS files in the current directory into MP4's.");
+ System.out.println(" meviz encode -o mp4 -i *.MTS");
+ }
public class EncodingOptions {
- private BitrateParameter.bitrate videoBitrate = BitrateParameter.bitrate.MEDIUM;
+ private BitrateParameter.bitrate videoBitrate = BitrateParameter.bitrate.MEDIUM;
- private BitrateParameter.bitrate audioBitrate = BitrateParameter.bitrate.MEDIUM;
+ private BitrateParameter.bitrate audioBitrate = BitrateParameter.bitrate.MEDIUM;
- private Integer targetFps;
+ private Integer targetFps;
- private boolean deinterlace = false;
+ private boolean deinterlace = false;
- private boolean recursive;
+ private boolean recursive;
- private boolean testOnly;
+ private boolean testOnly;
- private boolean forPortablePlayer = false;
+ private boolean forPortablePlayer = false;
- private File workingDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
+ private File workingDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
- private List<String> outputFormats = new ArrayList<String>();
+ private List<String> outputFormats = new ArrayList<String>();
- private List<String> inputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
+ private List<String> inputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
- public BitrateParameter.bitrate getAudioBitrate() {
- return audioBitrate;
- }
+ public BitrateParameter.bitrate getAudioBitrate() {
+ return audioBitrate;
+ }
- public List<String> getInputPatterns() {
- return inputPatterns;
- }
+ public void setAudioBitrate(final BitrateParameter.bitrate audioBitrate) {
+ this.audioBitrate = audioBitrate;
+ }
- public List<String> getOutputFormats() {
- return outputFormats;
- }
+ public List<String> getInputPatterns() {
+ return inputPatterns;
+ }
- public Integer getTargetFps() {
- return targetFps;
- }
+ public void setInputPatterns(final List<String> inputPatterns) {
+ this.inputPatterns = inputPatterns;
+ }
- public BitrateParameter.bitrate getVideoBitrate() {
- return videoBitrate;
- }
+ public List<String> getOutputFormats() {
+ return outputFormats;
+ }
- public File getWorkingDirectory() {
- return workingDirectory;
- }
+ public void setOutputFormats(final List<String> outputFormats) {
+ this.outputFormats = outputFormats;
+ }
- public boolean isDeinterlace() {
- return deinterlace;
- }
+ public Integer getTargetFps() {
+ return targetFps;
+ }
- public boolean isForPortablePlayer() {
- return forPortablePlayer;
- }
+ public void setTargetFps(final Integer targetFps) {
+ this.targetFps = targetFps;
+ }
- public boolean isRecursive() {
- return recursive;
- }
+ public BitrateParameter.bitrate getVideoBitrate() {
+ return videoBitrate;
+ }
- public boolean isTestOnly() {
- return testOnly;
- }
+ public void setVideoBitrate(final BitrateParameter.bitrate videoBitrate) {
+ this.videoBitrate = videoBitrate;
+ }
- public void setAudioBitrate(final BitrateParameter.bitrate audioBitrate) {
- this.audioBitrate = audioBitrate;
- }
+ public File getWorkingDirectory() {
+ return workingDirectory;
+ }
- public void setDeinterlace(final boolean deinterlace) {
- this.deinterlace = deinterlace;
- }
+ public void setWorkingDirectory(final File workingDirectory) {
+ this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory;
+ }
- public void setForPortablePlayer(final boolean forPortablePlayer) {
- this.forPortablePlayer = forPortablePlayer;
- }
+ public boolean isDeinterlace() {
+ return deinterlace;
+ }
- public void setInputPatterns(final List<String> inputPatterns) {
- this.inputPatterns = inputPatterns;
- }
+ public void setDeinterlace(final boolean deinterlace) {
+ this.deinterlace = deinterlace;
+ }
- public void setOutputFormats(final List<String> outputFormats) {
- this.outputFormats = outputFormats;
- }
+ public boolean isForPortablePlayer() {
+ return forPortablePlayer;
+ }
- public void setRecursive(final boolean recursive) {
- this.recursive = recursive;
- }
+ public void setForPortablePlayer(final boolean forPortablePlayer) {
+ this.forPortablePlayer = forPortablePlayer;
+ }
- public void setTargetFps(final Integer targetFps) {
- this.targetFps = targetFps;
- }
+ public boolean isRecursive() {
+ return recursive;
+ }
- public void setTestOnly(final boolean testOnly) {
- this.testOnly = testOnly;
- }
+ public void setRecursive(final boolean recursive) {
+ this.recursive = recursive;
+ }
- public void setVideoBitrate(final BitrateParameter.bitrate videoBitrate) {
- this.videoBitrate = videoBitrate;
- }
+ public boolean isTestOnly() {
+ return testOnly;
+ }
- public void setWorkingDirectory(final File workingDirectory) {
- this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory;
- }
+ public void setTestOnly(final boolean testOnly) {
+ this.testOnly = testOnly;
+ }
public class EncodingPlan {
- public ArrayList<EncodingTask> encodingTasks = new ArrayList<EncodingTask>();
+ public ArrayList<EncodingTask> encodingTasks = new ArrayList<EncodingTask>();
- public void execute(final EncodingOptions encodingOptions)
- throws IOException {
+ public void execute(final EncodingOptions encodingOptions)
+ throws IOException {
- for (final EncodingTask task : encodingTasks)
- task.execute(encodingOptions);
+ for (final EncodingTask task : encodingTasks)
+ task.execute(encodingOptions);
- }
+ }
- public void scheduleTask(final EncodingTask encodingTask) {
- encodingTasks.add(encodingTask);
- };
+ public void scheduleTask(final EncodingTask encodingTask) {
+ encodingTasks.add(encodingTask);
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder;
-import java.io.File;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.AbstractConverter;
-public class EncodingTask {
- /**
- * Source file to encode
- */
- private final File source;
- /**
- * Target file.
- */
- private final File target;
- private final AbstractConverter converter;
- private boolean useTerminal;
- private final String targetFormat;
- public EncodingTask(final File source, final File target, final AbstractConverter converter,
- final String targetFormat) {
- this.source = source;
- this.target = target;
- this.converter = converter;
- this.targetFormat = targetFormat;
- }
- /**
- * @return the useTerminal
- */
- public boolean doUseTerminal() {
- return useTerminal;
- }
- public String encodeApostrophes(final String input) {
- final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
- for (final char c : input.toCharArray()) {
- if (c == '\'') {
- result.append("'\\''");
- continue;
- }
- result.append(c);
- }
- return result.toString();
- }
- public void execute(final EncodingOptions encodingOptions) {
- try {
- String command = getCommand(encodingOptions);
- if (doUseTerminal())
- command = "xterm -e '" + encodeApostrophes(command) + "'";
- System.out.println("Executing command: " + command);
- final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
- final Process process = runtime.exec(new String[] { "/bin/bash", "-c", command });
- process.waitFor();
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- System.out.println(e.toString());
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
+import java.io.File;
- public String getCommand(final EncodingOptions encodingOptions) {
- return converter.getCommand(source, target, encodingOptions, targetFormat);
- }
+public class EncodingTask {
- /**
- * @param useTerminal
- * the useTerminal to set
- */
- public void setUseTerminal(final boolean useTerminal) {
- this.useTerminal = useTerminal;
- }
+ /**
+ * Source file to encode
+ */
+ private final File source;
+ /**
+ * Target file.
+ */
+ private final File target;
+ private final AbstractConverter converter;
+ private final String targetFormat;
+ private boolean useTerminal;
+ public EncodingTask(final File source, final File target, final AbstractConverter converter,
+ final String targetFormat) {
+ this.source = source;
+ this.target = target;
+ this.converter = converter;
+ this.targetFormat = targetFormat;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the useTerminal
+ */
+ public boolean doUseTerminal() {
+ return useTerminal;
+ }
+ public String encodeApostrophes(final String input) {
+ final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
+ for (final char c : input.toCharArray()) {
+ if (c == '\'') {
+ result.append("'\\''");
+ continue;
+ }
+ result.append(c);
+ }
+ return result.toString();
+ }
+ public void execute(final EncodingOptions encodingOptions) {
+ try {
+ String command = getCommand(encodingOptions);
+ if (doUseTerminal())
+ command = "xterm -e '" + encodeApostrophes(command) + "'";
+ System.out.println("Executing command: " + command);
+ final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
+ final Process process = runtime.exec(new String[]{"/bin/bash", "-c", command});
+ process.waitFor();
+ } catch (final Exception e) {
+ System.out.println(e.toString());
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ public String getCommand(final EncodingOptions encodingOptions) {
+ return converter.getCommand(source, target, encodingOptions, targetFormat);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param useTerminal the useTerminal to set
+ */
+ public void setUseTerminal(final boolean useTerminal) {
+ this.useTerminal = useTerminal;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.AbstractConverter;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.AvconvAudio;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.AvconvVideo;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.Convert;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.Ffmpeg2theora;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.Flac;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.Midi2Wav;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.Ocr;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.Ogg2Wav;
public class FormatsRegistry {
- public ArrayList<AbstractConverter> encoders = new ArrayList<AbstractConverter>();
+ public ArrayList<AbstractConverter> encoders = new ArrayList<AbstractConverter>();
- public FormatsRegistry() {
- // video conversion
- registerEncoder(new Ffmpeg2theora());
- registerEncoder(new AvconvVideo());
+ public FormatsRegistry() {
+ // video conversion
+ registerEncoder(new Ffmpeg2theora());
+ registerEncoder(new AvconvVideo());
- // image conversion
- registerEncoder(new Convert());
+ // image conversion
+ registerEncoder(new Convert());
- // image to text (OCR)
- registerEncoder(new Ocr());
+ // image to text (OCR)
+ registerEncoder(new Ocr());
- // audio conversion
- registerEncoder(new Ogg2Wav());
- registerEncoder(new Flac());
- registerEncoder(new AvconvAudio());
- registerEncoder(new Midi2Wav());
- }
+ // audio conversion
+ registerEncoder(new Ogg2Wav());
+ registerEncoder(new Flac());
+ registerEncoder(new AvconvAudio());
+ registerEncoder(new Midi2Wav());
+ }
- public List<AbstractConverter> getEncoders(final String sourceFormat,
- final String targetFormat) {
+ public List<AbstractConverter> getEncoders(final String sourceFormat,
+ final String targetFormat) {
- final String sourceFormatLowerCase = sourceFormat.toLowerCase();
- final String targetFormatLowerCase = targetFormat.toLowerCase();
+ final String sourceFormatLowerCase = sourceFormat.toLowerCase();
+ final String targetFormatLowerCase = targetFormat.toLowerCase();
- final ArrayList<AbstractConverter> encoders = new ArrayList<AbstractConverter>();
+ final ArrayList<AbstractConverter> encoders = new ArrayList<AbstractConverter>();
- for (final AbstractConverter encoder : this.encoders)
- if (encoder.supportsSource(sourceFormatLowerCase))
- if (encoder.supportsTarget(targetFormatLowerCase)) {
- encoders.add(encoder);
- return encoders;
- }
+ for (final AbstractConverter encoder : this.encoders)
+ if (encoder.supportsSource(sourceFormatLowerCase))
+ if (encoder.supportsTarget(targetFormatLowerCase)) {
+ encoders.add(encoder);
+ return encoders;
+ }
- return encoders;
- }
+ return encoders;
+ }
- public void registerEncoder(final AbstractConverter encoder) {
- encoders.add(encoder);
- }
+ public void registerEncoder(final AbstractConverter encoder) {
+ encoders.add(encoder);
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
public abstract class AbstractConverter {
- public abstract String getCommand(File inputFile, File targetFile,
- EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat);
+ public abstract String getCommand(File inputFile, File targetFile,
+ EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat);
- public abstract List<String> getSourceFileExtensions();
+ public abstract List<String> getSourceFileExtensions();
- public abstract List<String> getTargetFileExtensions();
+ public abstract List<String> getTargetFileExtensions();
- /**
- * For some reasons some encoders require terminal to run. Until this is
- * resolved, encoder can request for terminal using this method.
- */
- public abstract boolean isTerminalMandatory();
+ /**
+ * For some reasons some encoders require terminal to run. Until this is
+ * resolved, encoder can request for terminal using this method.
+ */
+ public abstract boolean isTerminalMandatory();
- public boolean supportsSource(final String format) {
- return getSourceFileExtensions().contains(format);
- }
+ public boolean supportsSource(final String format) {
+ return getSourceFileExtensions().contains(format);
+ }
- public boolean supportsTarget(final String format) {
- return getTargetFileExtensions().contains(format);
- }
+ public boolean supportsTarget(final String format) {
+ return getTargetFileExtensions().contains(format);
+ }
- public List<String> toList(final String... strings) {
- final ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
+ public List<String> toList(final String... strings) {
+ final ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (final String string : strings)
- result.add(string);
+ Collections.addAll(result, strings);
- return result;
- }
+ return result;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
public class AvconvAudio extends AbstractConverter {
- @Override
- public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
- final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
+ @Override
+ public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
+ final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
- final String codecParams = "-b:a 192k";
+ final String codecParams = "-b:a 192k";
- return "avconv -i \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" "
- + codecParams + " \"" + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
- }
+ return "avconv -i \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" "
+ + codecParams + " \"" + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
- return toList("ogg", "wav");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("ogg", "wav");
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
- return toList("mp3");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("mp3");
+ }
- @Override
- public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
- return false;
- }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
+ return false;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.List;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.BitrateParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.BitrateParameter.bitrate;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.List;
public class AvconvVideo extends AbstractConverter {
- private String constructCodecParamsString(final EncodingOptions options,
- final int videoBitrate, final int audioBitrate,
- final String videoCodec, final String audioCodec) {
+ private String constructCodecParamsString(final EncodingOptions options,
+ final int videoBitrate, final int audioBitrate,
+ final String videoCodec, final String audioCodec) {
- final StringBuffer codecParams = new StringBuffer();
+ final StringBuilder codecParams = new StringBuilder();
- if (audioCodec == null)
- codecParams.append("-an ");
- else
- codecParams.append("-acodec " + audioCodec + " ");
+ if (audioCodec == null)
+ codecParams.append("-an ");
+ else
+ codecParams.append("-acodec " + audioCodec + " ");
- codecParams.append("-vcodec " + videoCodec + " ");
+ codecParams.append("-vcodec " + videoCodec + " ");
- if (videoBitrate != -1)
- codecParams.append("-b " + videoBitrate + "k ");
+ if (videoBitrate != -1)
+ codecParams.append("-b " + videoBitrate + "k ");
- if (audioBitrate != -1)
- codecParams.append("-b:a " + audioBitrate + "k ");
+ if (audioBitrate != -1)
+ codecParams.append("-b:a " + audioBitrate + "k ");
- if (options.isDeinterlace())
- codecParams.append("-filter:v yadif ");
+ if (options.isDeinterlace())
+ codecParams.append("-filter:v yadif ");
- if (options.getTargetFps() != null)
- codecParams.append("-r " + options.getTargetFps() + " ");
+ if (options.getTargetFps() != null)
+ codecParams.append("-r " + options.getTargetFps() + " ");
- return codecParams.toString();
- }
+ return codecParams.toString();
+ }
- private int getAudioBitrateValue(final BitrateParameter.bitrate bitRate) {
- switch (bitRate) {
- case LOW:
- return 128;
+ private int getAudioBitrateValue(final BitrateParameter.bitrate bitRate) {
+ switch (bitRate) {
+ case LOW:
+ return 128;
- case MEDIUM:
- return 160;
+ case MEDIUM:
+ return 160;
- case HIGH:
- return 320;
+ case HIGH:
+ return 320;
- case COPY:
- return -1;
+ case COPY:
+ return -1;
- case NONE:
- return -1;
+ case NONE:
+ return -1;
- default:
- throw new RuntimeException("Audio bitrate: " + bitRate
- + " is not supported.");
- }
- }
+ default:
+ throw new RuntimeException("Audio bitrate: " + bitRate
+ + " is not supported.");
+ }
+ }
- @Override
- public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
- final EncodingOptions options, final String targetFormat) {
+ @Override
+ public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
+ final EncodingOptions options, final String targetFormat) {
- int videoBitrate = getVideoBitrateValue(options.getVideoBitrate());
- int audioBitrate = getAudioBitrateValue(options.getAudioBitrate());
+ int videoBitrate = getVideoBitrateValue(options.getVideoBitrate());
+ int audioBitrate = getAudioBitrateValue(options.getAudioBitrate());
- // convert
- final StringBuffer codecParams = new StringBuffer();
+ // convert
+ final StringBuilder codecParams = new StringBuilder();
- String videoCodec = "libx264";
- String audioCodec = "libmp3lame";
+ String videoCodec = "libx264";
+ String audioCodec = "libmp3lame";
- if (targetFormat.equals("webm")) {
- videoCodec = "vp8";
- audioCodec = "opus";
- codecParams.append("-s 800x600 ");
- }
+ if (targetFormat.equals("webm")) {
+ videoCodec = "vp8";
+ audioCodec = "opus";
+ codecParams.append("-s 800x600 ");
+ }
- if (options.getVideoBitrate() == bitrate.COPY)
- videoCodec = "copy";
+ if (options.getVideoBitrate() == bitrate.COPY)
+ videoCodec = "copy";
- if (options.getAudioBitrate() == bitrate.COPY)
- audioCodec = "copy";
+ if (options.getAudioBitrate() == bitrate.COPY)
+ audioCodec = "copy";
- if (options.getAudioBitrate() == bitrate.NONE)
- audioCodec = null;
+ if (options.getAudioBitrate() == bitrate.NONE)
+ audioCodec = null;
- if (options.isForPortablePlayer()) {
- videoBitrate = 1000;
- audioBitrate = 128;
- videoCodec = "libxvid";
+ if (options.isForPortablePlayer()) {
+ videoBitrate = 1000;
+ audioBitrate = 128;
+ videoCodec = "libxvid";
- // reduce resolution
- codecParams.append("-s 640x480 ");
+ // reduce resolution
+ codecParams.append("-s 640x480 ");
- // enforce maximum keyframe interval
- codecParams.append("-g 150 ");
- }
+ // enforce maximum keyframe interval
+ codecParams.append("-g 150 ");
+ }
- codecParams.append(constructCodecParamsString(options, videoBitrate,
- audioBitrate, videoCodec, audioCodec));
+ codecParams.append(constructCodecParamsString(options, videoBitrate,
+ audioBitrate, videoCodec, audioCodec));
- return "avconv -i \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" "
- + codecParams.toString() + "\"" + targetFile.getAbsolutePath()
- + "\"";
- }
+ return "avconv -i \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" "
+ + codecParams.toString() + "\"" + targetFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + "\"";
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
- return toList("mkv", "mts", "mp4", "avi", "mpg", "mpeg", "vob", "m4v",
- "webm", "mov");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("mkv", "mts", "mp4", "avi", "mpg", "mpeg", "vob", "m4v",
+ "webm", "mov");
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
- return toList("mkv", "mts", "mp4", "avi", "mpg", "mpeg", "vob", "m4v",
- "webm", "mov");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("mkv", "mts", "mp4", "avi", "mpg", "mpeg", "vob", "m4v",
+ "webm", "mov");
+ }
- private int getVideoBitrateValue(final BitrateParameter.bitrate bitRate) {
- switch (bitRate) {
- case LOW:
- return 1000;
+ private int getVideoBitrateValue(final BitrateParameter.bitrate bitRate) {
+ switch (bitRate) {
+ case LOW:
+ return 1000;
- case MEDIUM:
- return 4000;
+ case MEDIUM:
+ return 4000;
- case HIGH:
- return 16000;
+ case HIGH:
+ return 16000;
- case COPY:
- return -1;
+ case COPY:
+ return -1;
- default:
- throw new RuntimeException("Video bitrate: " + bitRate
- + " is not supported.");
- }
- }
+ default:
+ throw new RuntimeException("Video bitrate: " + bitRate
+ + " is not supported.");
+ }
+ }
- @Override
- public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
- return true;
- }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
+ return true;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
public class Convert extends AbstractConverter {
- @Override
- public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
- final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
- return "convert \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" \""
- + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
- return toList("tif", "tiff", "png", "jpg", "jpeg");
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
- return toList("png", "tiff", "tif");
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
- return false;
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
+ final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
+ return "convert \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" \""
+ + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("tif", "tiff", "png", "jpg", "jpeg");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("png", "tiff", "tif");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
+ return false;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
public class Ffmpeg2theora extends AbstractConverter {
- @Override
- public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
- final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
- return "ffmpeg2theora \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" -o \""
- + targetFile.getAbsolutePath()
- + "\" --optimize --videobitrate 3000 --width 800";
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
- return toList("avi", "mp4", "m4v", "asf");
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
- return toList("ogv");
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
- return true;
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
+ final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
+ return "ffmpeg2theora \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" -o \""
+ + targetFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + "\" --optimize --videobitrate 3000 --width 800";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("avi", "mp4", "m4v", "asf");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("ogv");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
+ return true;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
public class Flac extends AbstractConverter {
- @Override
- public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
- final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
+ @Override
+ public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
+ final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
- return "flac -8 \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" -o \""
- + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
- }
+ return "flac -8 \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" -o \""
+ + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
- return toList("wav");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("wav");
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
- return toList("flac");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("flac");
+ }
- @Override
- public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
- return false;
- }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
+ return false;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
public class Midi2Wav extends AbstractConverter {
- @Override
- public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
- final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
+ @Override
+ public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
+ final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
- return "timidity \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" -Ow -o \""
- + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
- }
+ return "timidity \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" -Ow -o \""
+ + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
- return toList("mid");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("mid");
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
- return toList("wav");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("wav");
+ }
- @Override
- public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
- return true;
- }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
+ return true;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
public class Ocr extends AbstractConverter {
- @Override
- public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
- final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
- // for some stupid reason tesseract ALWAYS insists on automatically
- // adding txt suffix
- String targetAbsolutePath = targetFile.getAbsolutePath();
- String targetFileName = targetAbsolutePath.substring(0,
- targetAbsolutePath.length() - 4);
- return "tesseract \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" \""
- + targetFileName + "\"";
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
- return toList("tif", "tiff", "png", "jpg", "jpeg");
- }
- @Override
- public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
- return toList("txt");
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
- return false;
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
+ final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
+ // for some stupid reason tesseract ALWAYS insists on automatically
+ // adding txt suffix
+ String targetAbsolutePath = targetFile.getAbsolutePath();
+ String targetFileName = targetAbsolutePath.substring(0,
+ targetAbsolutePath.length() - 4);
+ return "tesseract \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" \""
+ + targetFileName + "\"";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("tif", "tiff", "png", "jpg", "jpeg");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("txt");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
+ return false;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
public class Ogg2Wav extends AbstractConverter {
- @Override
- public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
- final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
+ @Override
+ public String getCommand(final File inputFile, final File targetFile,
+ final EncodingOptions options, String targetFormat) {
- return "oggdec \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" -o \""
- + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
+ return "oggdec \"" + inputFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" -o \""
+ + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"";
- }
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
- return toList("ogg");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getSourceFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("ogg");
+ }
- @Override
- public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
- return toList("wav");
- }
+ @Override
+ public List<String> getTargetFileExtensions() {
+ return toList("wav");
+ }
- @Override
- public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
- return true;
- }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isTerminalMandatory() {
+ return true;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.grabmemcard;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.CommonPathResolver;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.Module;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.AbstractConverter;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.converters.AvconvVideo;
-public class Main implements Module {
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "Convenience helper to retrieve contents of inserted memory card.";
- }
+public class Main implements Module {
- public File[] getDiskVideos(final File file) {
- final String videosPath = file.getAbsolutePath() + "/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM/";
- final File videosDirectory = new File(videosPath);
+ @Override
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "Convenience helper to retrieve contents of inserted memory card.";
+ }
- if (!videosDirectory.exists())
- return new File[0];
+ public File[] getDiskVideos(final File file) {
+ final String videosPath = file.getAbsolutePath() + "/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM/";
+ final File videosDirectory = new File(videosPath);
- return videosDirectory.listFiles();
- }
+ if (!videosDirectory.exists())
+ return new File[0];
- public String getDoubleDigit(final int value) {
- String valueString = Integer.toString(value);
- if (valueString.length() == 1)
- valueString = "0" + valueString;
- return valueString;
- };
+ return videosDirectory.listFiles();
+ }
- private EncodingOptions getEncodingOptions() {
- final EncodingOptions options = new EncodingOptions();
- options.setVideoBitrate(BitrateParameter.bitrate.COPY);
- options.setAudioBitrate(BitrateParameter.bitrate.COPY);
- return options;
- }
+ public String getDoubleDigit(final int value) {
+ String valueString = Integer.toString(value);
+ if (valueString.length() == 1)
+ valueString = "0" + valueString;
+ return valueString;
+ }
- @Override
- public String getModuleCommand() {
- return "grabmemcard";
- }
+ private EncodingOptions getEncodingOptions() {
+ final EncodingOptions options = new EncodingOptions();
+ options.setVideoBitrate(BitrateParameter.bitrate.COPY);
+ options.setAudioBitrate(BitrateParameter.bitrate.COPY);
+ return options;
+ }
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
- public File getTargetDirectory() {
- final Date now = new Date();
- final GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
+ @Override
+ public String getModuleCommand() {
+ return "grabmemcard";
+ }
- final StringBuffer directoryName = new StringBuffer();
- directoryName.append(
- calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR) + "." + getDoubleDigit(calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + 1)
- + "." + getDoubleDigit(calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) + " ");
+ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
+ public File getTargetDirectory() {
+ final Date now = new Date();
+ final GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
- directoryName.append(getDoubleDigit(now.getHours()) + ":" + getDoubleDigit(now.getMinutes()) + ":"
- + getDoubleDigit(now.getSeconds()));
+ String directoryName = (calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.YEAR) + "." + getDoubleDigit(calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.MONTH) + 1)
+ + "." + getDoubleDigit(calendar.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) + " ") +
+ getDoubleDigit(now.getHours()) + ":" + getDoubleDigit(now.getMinutes()) + ":"
+ + getDoubleDigit(now.getSeconds());
- final String targetDirectoryPath = CommonPathResolver.getDesktopDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/"
- + directoryName.toString() + "/";
+ final String targetDirectoryPath = CommonPathResolver.getDesktopDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/"
+ + directoryName + "/";
- System.out.println("Target directory path: " + targetDirectoryPath);
+ System.out.println("Target directory path: " + targetDirectoryPath);
- return new File(targetDirectoryPath);
- }
+ return new File(targetDirectoryPath);
+ }
- private File getTargetFile(final File targetDirectory, final File sourceFile) {
- // compute target file path
- final StringBuffer targetFilePath = new StringBuffer();
- targetFilePath.append(targetDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
- targetFilePath.append("/");
- targetFilePath.append(FilePathParser.getFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile));
- targetFilePath.append(".mp4");
- final File targetFile = new File(targetFilePath.toString());
- return targetFile;
- }
+ private File getTargetFile(final File targetDirectory, final File sourceFile) {
+ // compute target file path
+ final StringBuilder targetFilePath = new StringBuilder();
+ targetFilePath.append(targetDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
+ targetFilePath.append("/");
+ targetFilePath.append(FilePathParser.getFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile));
+ targetFilePath.append(".mp4");
+ final File targetFile = new File(targetFilePath.toString());
+ return targetFile;
+ }
- @Override
- public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
+ @Override
+ public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
- final File targetDirectory = getTargetDirectory();
- targetDirectory.mkdirs();
+ final File targetDirectory = getTargetDirectory();
+ targetDirectory.mkdirs();
- final AbstractConverter converter = new AvconvVideo();
- final EncodingPlan encodingPlan = new EncodingPlan();
+ final AbstractConverter converter = new AvconvVideo();
+ final EncodingPlan encodingPlan = new EncodingPlan();
- final String userName = System.getProperty("user.name");
+ final String userName = System.getProperty("user.name");
- final File file = new File("/media/" + userName + "/");
+ final File file = new File("/media/" + userName + "/");
- for (final File insertedDisk : file.listFiles()) {
- final File[] diskVideos = getDiskVideos(insertedDisk);
+ for (final File insertedDisk : file.listFiles()) {
+ final File[] diskVideos = getDiskVideos(insertedDisk);
- for (final File sourceFile : diskVideos) {
+ for (final File sourceFile : diskVideos) {
- final File targetFile = getTargetFile(targetDirectory, sourceFile);
+ final File targetFile = getTargetFile(targetDirectory, sourceFile);
- final EncodingTask encodingTask = new EncodingTask(sourceFile, targetFile, converter, "mp4");
- encodingTask.setUseTerminal(true);
- encodingPlan.scheduleTask(encodingTask);
- }
- }
+ final EncodingTask encodingTask = new EncodingTask(sourceFile, targetFile, converter, "mp4");
+ encodingTask.setUseTerminal(true);
+ encodingPlan.scheduleTask(encodingTask);
+ }
+ }
- encodingPlan.execute(getEncodingOptions());
- }
+ encodingPlan.execute(getEncodingOptions());
+ }
- @Override
- public void showCommandlineHelp() {
- System.out.println("memory card grabber has no commandline options");
- }
+ @Override
+ public void showCommandlineHelp() {
+ System.out.println("memory card grabber has no commandline options");
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.Dimension;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.DirectoryMetadata;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.AbstractFile;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.GeneralFile;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.Picture;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
public abstract class AbstractIndexer {
- public static boolean isImage(final String fileExtension) {
- for (final String ext : Constants.SUPPORTED_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS)
- if (ext.equals(fileExtension))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
+ public static boolean isImage(final String fileExtension) {
+ for (final String ext : Constants.SUPPORTED_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS)
+ if (ext.equals(fileExtension))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
- public static boolean isOgv(final String fileExtension) {
- return fileExtension.equalsIgnoreCase("ogv");
- }
+ public static boolean isOgv(final String fileExtension) {
+ return fileExtension.equalsIgnoreCase("ogv");
+ }
- public static boolean shallFileBeIndexed(final File file) {
+ public static boolean shallFileBeIndexed(final File file) {
- if (file.getName().startsWith("."))
- return false;
- if (file.getName().startsWith("index"))
- if (file.getName().endsWith(".html"))
- return false;
+ if (file.getName().startsWith("."))
+ return false;
+ if (file.getName().startsWith("index"))
+ if (file.getName().endsWith(".html"))
+ return false;
- return true;
- }
+ return true;
+ }
- public void compileHtml(final Layout layout,
- final DirectoryMetadata directory)
- throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+ public void compileHtml(final Layout layout,
+ final DirectoryMetadata directory)
+ throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
- for (final AbstractFile file : directory.getFiles())
- if (file instanceof GeneralFile) {
- final String fileExtension = file.getFileExtension();
+ for (final AbstractFile file : directory.getFiles())
+ if (file instanceof GeneralFile) {
+ final String fileExtension = file.getFileExtension();
- if ("ogv".equals(fileExtension))
- layout.enlistOgv(file, directory);
- else if ("webm".equals(fileExtension))
- layout.enlistWebm(file, directory);
- else
- layout.enlistFile(file, directory);
+ if ("ogv".equals(fileExtension))
+ layout.enlistOgv(file, directory);
+ else if ("webm".equals(fileExtension))
+ layout.enlistWebm(file, directory);
+ else
+ layout.enlistFile(file, directory);
- } else if (file instanceof Picture)
- layout.enlistImage((Picture) file, directory);
- else if (file instanceof DirectoryFile)
- layout.enlistDirectory(file, directory);
+ } else if (file instanceof Picture)
+ layout.enlistImage((Picture) file, directory);
+ else if (file instanceof DirectoryFile)
+ layout.enlistDirectory(file, directory);
- }
+ }
- public abstract String getDirectoryUrl(final AbstractFile directory,
- IndexingContext context);
+ public abstract String getDirectoryUrl(final AbstractFile directory,
+ IndexingContext context);
- public abstract String getParentDirectoryUrl(IndexingContext context);
+ public abstract String getParentDirectoryUrl(IndexingContext context);
- public abstract String getThumbnailUrl(Picture picture,
- final Dimension desiredDimension, IndexingContext context);
+ public abstract String getThumbnailUrl(Picture picture,
+ final Dimension desiredDimension, IndexingContext context);
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer;
-import java.io.File;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.Parser;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.DirectoryParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.NullParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.StringParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
+import java.io.File;
public class CommandlineHandler {
- Parser parser = new Parser();
- StringParameter galleryNameParameter = parser.add(
- new StringParameter("Gallery title. (default is: "
- + Constants.DEFAULT_GALLERY_TITLE + ").")).addAliases("-t",
- "--gallery-title");
- DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser
- .add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
- .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
- NullParameter removeIndex = parser.add(
- new NullParameter("Remove generated index")).addAliases("-r",
- "--remove");
- public String getGalleryTitle() {
- if (galleryNameParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- return galleryNameParameter.getValue();
- return Constants.DEFAULT_GALLERY_TITLE;
- }
- public File getWorkingDirectory() {
- if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- return workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
- else
- return new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
- }
- /**
- * @return {@link EncodingOptions} if commandline arguments were
- * successfully parsed, or <code>null</code> if parsing error
- * occurred.
- */
- public boolean parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
- final boolean parsingSucceeded = parser.parse(args);
- if (!parsingSucceeded)
- parser.showHelp();
- return parsingSucceeded;
- }
+ Parser parser = new Parser();
+ StringParameter galleryNameParameter = parser.add(
+ new StringParameter("Gallery title. (default is: "
+ + Constants.DEFAULT_GALLERY_TITLE + ").")).addAliases("-t",
+ "--gallery-title");
+ DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser
+ .add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
+ .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
+ NullParameter removeIndex = parser.add(
+ new NullParameter("Remove generated index")).addAliases("-r",
+ "--remove");
+ public String getGalleryTitle() {
+ if (galleryNameParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ return galleryNameParameter.getValue();
+ return Constants.DEFAULT_GALLERY_TITLE;
+ }
+ public File getWorkingDirectory() {
+ if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ return workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
+ else
+ return new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return {@link EncodingOptions} if commandline arguments were
+ * successfully parsed, or <code>null</code> if parsing error
+ * occurred.
+ */
+ public boolean parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
+ final boolean parsingSucceeded = parser.parse(args);
+ if (!parsingSucceeded)
+ parser.showHelp();
+ return parsingSucceeded;
+ }
public class Constants {
- public static final String DEFAULT_GALLERY_TITLE = "Gallery";
+ public static final String DEFAULT_GALLERY_TITLE = "Gallery";
- public static final String METADATA_FILE_NAME = "metadata_6.dat";
+ public static final String METADATA_FILE_NAME = "metadata_6.dat";
- public static final String THUMBNAILS_DIRECTORY_NAME = ".thumbnails";
+ public static final String THUMBNAILS_DIRECTORY_NAME = ".thumbnails";
- /**
- * If this string is found within index.html then it is assumed that the
- * file is generated by current utility and therefore is safe to overwrite
- * with the newer version.
- *
- * TODO: possibility of multiple patterns shall be present, to allow easy
- * migration
- *
- * TODO: a safer way shall be used for detection, like specific pattern also
- * in specific place within a file
- */
- public static final String HTML_MAGIC_STRING = "DirListGen";
+ /**
+ * If this string is found within index.html then it is assumed that the
+ * file is generated by current utility and therefore is safe to overwrite
+ * with the newer version.
+ * <p>
+ * TODO: possibility of multiple patterns shall be present, to allow easy
+ * migration
+ * <p>
+ * TODO: a safer way shall be used for detection, like specific pattern also
+ * in specific place within a file
+ */
+ public static final String HTML_MAGIC_STRING = "DirListGen";
- public static final String HTML_MEMO = "Directory Listing Generator by Svjatoslav Agejenko. E-mail: svjatoslav@svjatoslav.eu, homepage: http://svjatoslav.eu";
+ public static final String HTML_MEMO = "Directory Listing Generator by Svjatoslav Agejenko. E-mail: svjatoslav@svjatoslav.eu, homepage: http://svjatoslav.eu";
- public static final String[] SUPPORTED_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = { "jpg", "jpeg",
- "png", "gif" };
+ public static final String[] SUPPORTED_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = {"jpg", "jpeg",
+ "png", "gif"};
- public static final String THUMBNAIL_VERSION = "2";
+ public static final String THUMBNAIL_VERSION = "2";
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer;
-import java.util.Comparator;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.AbstractFile;
+import java.util.Comparator;
public class FileSortComparator implements Comparator<AbstractFile> {
- @Override
- public int compare(final AbstractFile o1, final AbstractFile o2) {
- return o1.fileName.compareTo(o2.fileName);
- }
+ @Override
+ public int compare(final AbstractFile o1, final AbstractFile o2) {
+ return o1.fileName.compareTo(o2.fileName);
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer;
+import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.IOHelper;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
-import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.IOHelper;
public class FilesystemIndexRemover {
- private final CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler;
+ private final CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler;
- public FilesystemIndexRemover(final CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler)
- throws IOException {
- this.commandlineHandler = commandlineHandler;
+ public FilesystemIndexRemover(final CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler)
+ throws IOException {
+ this.commandlineHandler = commandlineHandler;
- removeIndex(commandlineHandler.getWorkingDirectory());
- }
+ removeIndex(commandlineHandler.getWorkingDirectory());
+ }
- public void removeIndex(final File workingDirectory) throws IOException {
+ public void removeIndex(final File workingDirectory) throws IOException {
- // remove thumbnails directory from current directory
- final File thumbnailsDirectory = Utils
- .getThumbnailsDirectory(workingDirectory);
- if (thumbnailsDirectory.exists()) {
- System.out.println("Deleting thumbnails directory: "
- + thumbnailsDirectory);
- IOHelper.deleteRecursively(thumbnailsDirectory);
- }
+ // remove thumbnails directory from current directory
+ final File thumbnailsDirectory = Utils
+ .getThumbnailsDirectory(workingDirectory);
+ if (thumbnailsDirectory.exists()) {
+ System.out.println("Deleting thumbnails directory: "
+ + thumbnailsDirectory);
+ IOHelper.deleteRecursively(thumbnailsDirectory);
+ }
- // recursively remove thumbnail directories from sub directories
- for (final File subFile : workingDirectory.listFiles())
- if (subFile.isDirectory())
- removeIndex(subFile);
+ // recursively remove thumbnail directories from sub directories
+ for (final File subFile : workingDirectory.listFiles())
+ if (subFile.isDirectory())
+ removeIndex(subFile);
- for (final Layout layout : Utils.getLayouts()) {
- final File indexFile = Utils.getLayoutIndexFile(layout,
- workingDirectory);
+ for (final Layout layout : Utils.getLayouts()) {
+ final File indexFile = Utils.getLayoutIndexFile(layout,
+ workingDirectory);
- if (indexFile.exists())
- if (Utils.isMevizGeneratedIndexFile(indexFile)) {
- System.out.println("Deleting generated index file: "
- + indexFile);
- indexFile.delete();
- }
- }
+ if (indexFile.exists())
+ if (Utils.isMevizGeneratedIndexFile(indexFile)) {
+ System.out.println("Deleting generated index file: "
+ + indexFile);
+ indexFile.delete();
+ }
+ }
- }
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.IOHelper;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.Dimension;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.DirectoryMetadata;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.MetadadaHelper;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.AbstractFile;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.Picture;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
* Main class of HTML indexer.
public class FilesystemIndexer extends AbstractIndexer {
- public static final Logger logger = Logger
- .getLogger(FilesystemIndexer.class);
- private final HashSet<String> validMetadataFiles = new HashSet<String>();
- private final File directoryToIndex;
- private File metadataFile;
- private DirectoryMetadata metadata;
- private final List<String> pathElements;
+ public static final Logger logger = Logger
+ .getLogger(FilesystemIndexer.class);
- private HashSet<Layout> layouts;
+ private final HashSet<String> validMetadataFiles = new HashSet<String>();
- private final CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler;
+ private final File directoryToIndex;
+ private final List<String> pathElements;
+ private final CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler;
+ private File metadataFile;
+ private DirectoryMetadata metadata;
+ private HashSet<Layout> layouts;
- public FilesystemIndexer(final File directoryToIndex,
- final CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler,
- final List<String> pathElements) throws Exception {
+ public FilesystemIndexer(final File directoryToIndex,
+ final CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler,
+ final List<String> pathElements) throws Exception {
- this.directoryToIndex = directoryToIndex;
- this.commandlineHandler = commandlineHandler;
- this.pathElements = pathElements;
+ this.directoryToIndex = directoryToIndex;
+ this.commandlineHandler = commandlineHandler;
+ this.pathElements = pathElements;
- if (!directoryToIndex.canRead())
- return;
+ if (!directoryToIndex.canRead())
+ return;
- validMetadataFiles.add(Constants.METADATA_FILE_NAME);
+ validMetadataFiles.add(Constants.METADATA_FILE_NAME);
- initializeThumbnailsDirectory();
- loadOrCreateMetadata();
+ initializeThumbnailsDirectory();
+ loadOrCreateMetadata();
- initializeLayouts();
+ initializeLayouts();
- updateMetadata();
+ updateMetadata();
- metadata.removeUnusedMetadataEntries();
+ metadata.removeUnusedMetadataEntries();
- generateHtmlFromMetadata(layouts);
+ generateHtmlFromMetadata(layouts);
- removeUnusedThumbnailFiles();
+ removeUnusedThumbnailFiles();
- // save directory metadata
- if (metadata.changed)
- MetadadaHelper.saveDirectoryMetadata(metadataFile, metadata);
+ // save directory metadata
+ if (metadata.changed)
+ MetadadaHelper.saveDirectoryMetadata(metadataFile, metadata);
- }
+ }
- public boolean canWriteIndexFile(final File indexFile)
- throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
+ public boolean canWriteIndexFile(final File indexFile)
+ throws IOException {
- if (!indexFile.exists())
- return true;
+ return !indexFile.exists() || Utils.isMevizGeneratedIndexFile(indexFile);
- return Utils.isMevizGeneratedIndexFile(indexFile);
- }
+ }
- public void generateHtmlFromMetadata(final HashSet<Layout> layouts) {
- // Generate HTML from metadata
- for (final Layout layout : layouts)
- try {
- final File indexFile = Utils.getLayoutIndexFile(layout,
- directoryToIndex);
+ public void generateHtmlFromMetadata(final HashSet<Layout> layouts) {
+ // Generate HTML from metadata
+ for (final Layout layout : layouts)
+ try {
+ final File indexFile = Utils.getLayoutIndexFile(layout,
+ directoryToIndex);
- if (canWriteIndexFile(indexFile)) {
+ if (canWriteIndexFile(indexFile)) {
- compileHtml(layout, metadata);
+ compileHtml(layout, metadata);
- IOHelper.overwriteFileIfContentDiffers(indexFile, layout
- .getHtml(true, true, metadata).getBytes());
- }
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- logger.error("Error writing index file. ", e);
- }
- }
+ IOHelper.overwriteFileIfContentDiffers(indexFile, layout
+ .getHtml(true, true, metadata).getBytes());
+ }
+ } catch (final Exception e) {
+ logger.error("Error writing index file. ", e);
+ }
+ }
- public List<String> getChildPath(final File file) {
+ public List<String> getChildPath(final File file) {
- final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
- result.addAll(pathElements);
- result.add(file.getName());
+ final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
+ result.addAll(pathElements);
+ result.add(file.getName());
- return result;
- }
+ return result;
+ }
- @Override
- public String getDirectoryUrl(final AbstractFile directory,
- final IndexingContext context) {
- return Utils.urlEncode(directory.fileName) + "/index.html";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getDirectoryUrl(final AbstractFile directory,
+ final IndexingContext context) {
+ return Utils.urlEncode(directory.fileName) + "/index.html";
+ }
- @Override
- public String getParentDirectoryUrl(final IndexingContext context) {
- return "../index.html";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getParentDirectoryUrl(final IndexingContext context) {
+ return "../index.html";
+ }
- @Override
- public String getThumbnailUrl(final Picture picture,
- final Dimension desiredDimension, final IndexingContext context) {
+ @Override
+ public String getThumbnailUrl(final Picture picture,
+ final Dimension desiredDimension, final IndexingContext context) {
- // in case thumbnail size was equal to original, then return original
- // file path
- if (picture.getDimensions().equals(desiredDimension))
- return picture.fileName;
+ // in case thumbnail size was equal to original, then return original
+ // file path
+ if (picture.getDimensions().equals(desiredDimension))
+ return picture.fileName;
- final String thumbnailFileName = picture
- .getRelativeThumbnailFileName(desiredDimension);
+ final String thumbnailFileName = picture
+ .getRelativeThumbnailFileName(desiredDimension);
- validMetadataFiles.add(thumbnailFileName);
- final File thumbnailFile = new File(
- Utils.getThumbnailsDirectoryPath(directoryToIndex)
- + thumbnailFileName);
+ validMetadataFiles.add(thumbnailFileName);
+ final File thumbnailFile = new File(
+ Utils.getThumbnailsDirectoryPath(directoryToIndex)
+ + thumbnailFileName);
- if (!thumbnailFile.exists()) {
+ if (!thumbnailFile.exists()) {
- final File originalFile = new File(
- directoryToIndex.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + picture.fileName);
+ final File originalFile = new File(
+ directoryToIndex.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + picture.fileName);
- // generate new thumbnail
- Picture.makeThumbnail(originalFile, thumbnailFile,
- desiredDimension.getAwtDimension());
- }
- return Constants.THUMBNAILS_DIRECTORY_NAME + "/"
- + Utils.urlEncode(thumbnailFileName);
- }
+ // generate new thumbnail
+ Picture.makeThumbnail(originalFile, thumbnailFile,
+ desiredDimension.getAwtDimension());
+ }
+ return Constants.THUMBNAILS_DIRECTORY_NAME + "/"
+ + Utils.urlEncode(thumbnailFileName);
+ }
- public void initializeLayouts() {
+ public void initializeLayouts() {
- layouts = Utils.getLayouts();
+ layouts = Utils.getLayouts();
- final String galleryTitle = commandlineHandler.getGalleryTitle();
+ final String galleryTitle = commandlineHandler.getGalleryTitle();
- for (final Layout layout : layouts)
- layout.init(galleryTitle, pathElements, this, new IndexingContext(
- "", "."));
- }
+ for (final Layout layout : layouts)
+ layout.init(galleryTitle, pathElements, this, new IndexingContext(
+ "", "."));
+ }
- public void initializeThumbnailsDirectory() {
- final File thumbnailsDirectory = Utils
- .getThumbnailsDirectory(directoryToIndex);
+ public void initializeThumbnailsDirectory() {
+ final File thumbnailsDirectory = Utils
+ .getThumbnailsDirectory(directoryToIndex);
- if (!thumbnailsDirectory.exists())
- thumbnailsDirectory.mkdirs();
- }
+ if (!thumbnailsDirectory.exists())
+ thumbnailsDirectory.mkdirs();
+ }
- public void loadOrCreateMetadata() {
+ public void loadOrCreateMetadata() {
- metadataFile = new File(
- Utils.getThumbnailsDirectoryPath(directoryToIndex)
- + Constants.METADATA_FILE_NAME);
+ metadataFile = new File(
+ Utils.getThumbnailsDirectoryPath(directoryToIndex)
+ + Constants.METADATA_FILE_NAME);
- metadata = MetadadaHelper.initDirectoryMetadata(metadataFile);
- }
+ metadata = MetadadaHelper.initDirectoryMetadata(metadataFile);
+ }
- private void removeUnusedThumbnailFiles() {
+ private void removeUnusedThumbnailFiles() {
- for (final File file : Utils.getThumbnailsDirectory(directoryToIndex)
- .listFiles())
- if (!validMetadataFiles.contains(file.getName()))
- file.delete();
+ for (final File file : Utils.getThumbnailsDirectory(directoryToIndex)
+ .listFiles())
+ if (!validMetadataFiles.contains(file.getName()))
+ file.delete();
- }
+ }
- public void updateMetadata() throws Exception {
+ public void updateMetadata() throws Exception {
- for (final File file : directoryToIndex.listFiles())
- if (shallFileBeIndexed(file)) {
+ for (final File file : directoryToIndex.listFiles())
+ if (shallFileBeIndexed(file)) {
- metadata.ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(directoryToIndex, file);
+ metadata.ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(directoryToIndex, file);
- if (file.isDirectory())
- new FilesystemIndexer(file, commandlineHandler,
- getChildPath(file));
- }
- }
+ if (file.isDirectory())
+ new FilesystemIndexer(file, commandlineHandler,
+ getChildPath(file));
+ }
+ }
public class ImageFormatError extends Exception {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 4037233564457071385L;
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 4037233564457071385L;
- public ImageFormatError(final String message) {
- super(message);
- }
+ public ImageFormatError(final String message) {
+ super(message);
+ }
public class IndexingContext {
- private final String localUrl;
- private final String globalUrl;
+ private final String localUrl;
+ private final String globalUrl;
- public IndexingContext(final String globalUrl, final String localUrl) {
- this.globalUrl = globalUrl;
- this.localUrl = localUrl;
- }
+ public IndexingContext(final String globalUrl, final String localUrl) {
+ this.globalUrl = globalUrl;
+ this.localUrl = localUrl;
+ }
- public String getGlobalUrl() {
- return globalUrl;
- }
+ public String getGlobalUrl() {
+ return globalUrl;
+ }
- public List<String> getLocalPathComponents() {
+ public List<String> getLocalPathComponents() {
- final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
+ final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
- final String[] strings = localUrl.split("/");
+ final String[] strings = localUrl.split("/");
- for (final String pathElement : strings)
- if (pathElement.length() > 0)
- result.add(pathElement);
+ for (final String pathElement : strings)
+ if (pathElement.length() > 0)
+ result.add(pathElement);
- return result;
- }
+ return result;
+ }
- public String getLocalUrl() {
- return localUrl;
- }
+ public String getLocalUrl() {
+ return localUrl;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
-import java.util.List;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.DirectoryMetadata;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.AbstractFile;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.Picture;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
+import java.util.List;
* In order to have possibility of several different layouts per directory.
* Universal interface is defined.
- *
+ * <p>
* Layout implementation is responsible for actual HTML generation.
public interface Layout {
- /**
- * Enlist directory.
- */
- public void enlistDirectory(AbstractFile directory,
- DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata);
+ /**
+ * Enlist directory.
+ */
+ void enlistDirectory(AbstractFile directory,
+ DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata);
- /**
- * Enlist simple file.
- */
- public void enlistFile(AbstractFile file,
- DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata);
+ /**
+ * Enlist simple file.
+ */
+ void enlistFile(AbstractFile file,
+ DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata);
- /**
- * Enlist image file.
- */
- public void enlistImage(Picture picture,
- DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata);
+ /**
+ * Enlist image file.
+ */
+ void enlistImage(Picture picture,
+ DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata);
- /**
- * Enlist video in OGV format.
- *
- * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
- */
- public void enlistOgv(AbstractFile file,
- DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata)
- throws UnsupportedEncodingException;
+ /**
+ * Enlist video in OGV format.
+ *
+ * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
+ */
+ void enlistOgv(AbstractFile file,
+ DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata)
+ throws UnsupportedEncodingException;
- /**
- * Return layout specific suffix that will be appended between
- * index(suffix).html of generated file. This way multiple layouts can
- * coexist in the same directory, each residing in its own HTML file.
- */
- public String getFileNameSuffix();
+ /**
+ * Return layout specific suffix that will be appended between
+ * index(suffix).html of generated file. This way multiple layouts can
+ * coexist in the same directory, each residing in its own HTML file.
+ */
+ String getFileNameSuffix();
- /**
- * After necessary files have been enlisted for particular directory, use
- * this method to retrieve generated HTML result.
- *
- * @param metadata
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public String getHtml(final boolean showTitle,
- final boolean doHtmlHeaderAndFooter, DirectoryMetadata metadata)
- throws IOException;
+ /**
+ * After necessary files have been enlisted for particular directory, use
+ * this method to retrieve generated HTML result.
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ String getHtml(final boolean showTitle,
+ final boolean doHtmlHeaderAndFooter, DirectoryMetadata metadata)
+ throws IOException;
- /**
- * Initialize layout for particular directory.
- */
- public void init(String galleryTitle, List<String> path,
- final AbstractIndexer indexer, IndexingContext context);
+ /**
+ * Initialize layout for particular directory.
+ */
+ void init(String galleryTitle, List<String> path,
+ final AbstractIndexer indexer, IndexingContext context);
- public void enlistWebm(AbstractFile file, DirectoryMetadata directory);
+ void enlistWebm(AbstractFile file, DirectoryMetadata directory);
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.Module;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Main implements Module {
- CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "Generate HTML listing of directories.";
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public String getModuleCommand() {
- return "index";
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public void run(final String[] args) throws Exception {
- if (commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args))
- if (commandlineHandler.removeIndex.isParameterSpecified())
- new FilesystemIndexRemover(commandlineHandler);
- else
- new FilesystemIndexer(commandlineHandler.getWorkingDirectory(),
- commandlineHandler, new ArrayList<String>());
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public void showCommandlineHelp() {
- commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
- }
+ CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "Generate HTML listing of directories.";
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String getModuleCommand() {
+ return "index";
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void run(final String[] args) throws Exception {
+ if (commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args))
+ if (commandlineHandler.removeIndex.isParameterSpecified())
+ new FilesystemIndexRemover(commandlineHandler);
+ else
+ new FilesystemIndexer(commandlineHandler.getWorkingDirectory(),
+ commandlineHandler, new ArrayList<String>());
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void showCommandlineHelp() {
+ commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.layouts.MixedLayout;
+import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
+import java.io.*;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
-import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.layouts.MixedLayout;
public class Utils {
- private static File lastLoadedFile;
- private static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
- private static BufferedImage lastLoadedBufferedImage;
- /**
- * Load image into {@link BufferedImage} and return it. Caches last loaded
- * image to speed up subsequent loading attempts.
- *
- * @throws ImageFormatError
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public static BufferedImage getBufferedImage(final File file)
- throws ImageFormatError, IOException {
- if (file.equals(lastLoadedFile))
- return lastLoadedBufferedImage;
- System.out.println("Loading image: " + file.getPath());
- lastLoadedBufferedImage = ImageIO.read(file);
- lastLoadedFile = file;
- if (lastLoadedBufferedImage == null) {
- System.out.println("Error reading image: " + file);
- throw new ImageFormatError("File: " + file
- + " is not a valid image.");
- }
- return lastLoadedBufferedImage;
- }
- public static File getLayoutIndexFile(final Layout layout,
- final File directoryToIndex) {
- final String indexFilePath = directoryToIndex.getAbsolutePath()
- + "/index" + layout.getFileNameSuffix() + ".html";
- return new File(indexFilePath);
- }
- public static HashSet<Layout> getLayouts() {
- final HashSet<Layout> layouts = new HashSet<Layout>();
- layouts.add(new MixedLayout());
- return layouts;
- }
- public static String getStringCrcAsHex(final String input) {
- // create a new CRC-calculating object
- final CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
- // loop, calculating CRC for each byte of the string
- // There is no CRC16.update(byte[]) method.
- for (final byte b : input.getBytes())
- crc.update(b);
- // note use crc.value, not crc.getValue()
- final String hex = Integer.toHexString((int) crc.getValue())
- .toUpperCase();
- // System.out.println("Input string: " + input);
- // System.out.println("Result: " + hex);
- return hex;
- }
- public static File getThumbnailsDirectory(final File directoryToIndex) {
- return new File(getThumbnailsDirectoryPath(directoryToIndex));
- }
- public static String getThumbnailsDirectoryPath(final File directoryToIndex) {
- return directoryToIndex.getAbsolutePath() + "/"
- }
- public static boolean isMevizGeneratedIndexFile(final File indexFile)
- throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
- boolean isMevizFile = false;
- final FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(indexFile);
- final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
- parseFile: {
- while (true) {
- final String line = reader.readLine();
- if (line == null)
- break parseFile;
- if (line.contains(Constants.HTML_MAGIC_STRING)) {
- isMevizFile = true;
- break parseFile;
- }
- }
- }
- reader.close();
- fileReader.close();
- return isMevizFile;
- }
+ private static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
+ private static File lastLoadedFile;
+ private static BufferedImage lastLoadedBufferedImage;
- public static String urlEncode(String string) {
- if (string.startsWith("./"))
- string = string.substring(2);
- try {
- return URLEncoder.encode(string, UTF_8).replace("+", "%20");
- } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * Load image into {@link BufferedImage} and return it. Caches last loaded
+ * image to speed up subsequent loading attempts.
+ *
+ * @throws ImageFormatError
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ public static BufferedImage getBufferedImage(final File file)
+ throws ImageFormatError, IOException {
+ if (file.equals(lastLoadedFile))
+ return lastLoadedBufferedImage;
+ System.out.println("Loading image: " + file.getPath());
+ lastLoadedBufferedImage = ImageIO.read(file);
+ lastLoadedFile = file;
+ if (lastLoadedBufferedImage == null) {
+ System.out.println("Error reading image: " + file);
+ throw new ImageFormatError("File: " + file
+ + " is not a valid image.");
+ }
+ return lastLoadedBufferedImage;
+ }
+ public static File getLayoutIndexFile(final Layout layout,
+ final File directoryToIndex) {
+ final String indexFilePath = directoryToIndex.getAbsolutePath()
+ + "/index" + layout.getFileNameSuffix() + ".html";
+ return new File(indexFilePath);
+ }
+ public static HashSet<Layout> getLayouts() {
+ final HashSet<Layout> layouts = new HashSet<Layout>();
+ layouts.add(new MixedLayout());
+ return layouts;
+ }
+ public static String getStringCrcAsHex(final String input) {
+ // create a new CRC-calculating object
+ final CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
+ // loop, calculating CRC for each byte of the string
+ // There is no CRC16.update(byte[]) method.
+ for (final byte b : input.getBytes())
+ crc.update(b);
+ // note use crc.value, not crc.getValue()
+ final String hex = Integer.toHexString((int) crc.getValue())
+ .toUpperCase();
+ // System.out.println("Input string: " + input);
+ // System.out.println("Result: " + hex);
+ return hex;
+ }
+ public static File getThumbnailsDirectory(final File directoryToIndex) {
+ return new File(getThumbnailsDirectoryPath(directoryToIndex));
+ }
+ public static String getThumbnailsDirectoryPath(final File directoryToIndex) {
+ return directoryToIndex.getAbsolutePath() + "/"
+ }
+ public static boolean isMevizGeneratedIndexFile(final File indexFile)
+ throws IOException {
+ boolean isMevizFile = false;
+ final FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(indexFile);
+ final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
+ parseFile:
+ {
+ while (true) {
+ final String line = reader.readLine();
+ if (line == null)
+ break parseFile;
+ if (line.contains(Constants.HTML_MAGIC_STRING)) {
+ isMevizFile = true;
+ break parseFile;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ reader.close();
+ fileReader.close();
+ return isMevizFile;
+ }
+ public static String urlEncode(String string) {
+ if (string.startsWith("./"))
+ string = string.substring(2);
+ try {
+ return URLEncoder.encode(string, UTF_8).replace("+", "%20");
+ } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.layouts.MixedLayout;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.Dimension;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.DirectoryMetadata;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.AbstractFile;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.Picture;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
-import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.List;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.layouts.MixedLayout;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.Dimension;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.DirectoryMetadata;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.AbstractFile;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.Picture;
public class WebIndexer extends AbstractIndexer {
- private static final int METADATA_LOAD_TRY_COUNT = 10;
- private final String globalPrefix;
- private final String jspPath;
- public WebIndexer(final String globalPrefix, final String jspPath) {
- this.globalPrefix = globalPrefix;
- this.jspPath = jspPath;
- }
- @Override
- public void compileHtml(final Layout layout,
- final DirectoryMetadata directory)
- throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
- super.compileHtml(layout, directory);
- }
+ private static final int METADATA_LOAD_TRY_COUNT = 10;
+ private final String globalPrefix;
+ private final String jspPath;
- @Override
- public String getDirectoryUrl(final AbstractFile directory,
- final IndexingContext context) {
+ public WebIndexer(final String globalPrefix, final String jspPath) {
+ this.globalPrefix = globalPrefix;
+ this.jspPath = jspPath;
+ }
- try {
- return jspPath + context.getLocalUrl() + "/"
- + URLEncoder.encode(directory.fileName, "UTF-8");
- } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
+ @Override
+ public void compileHtml(final Layout layout,
+ final DirectoryMetadata directory)
+ throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+ super.compileHtml(layout, directory);
+ }
- public String getHtml(String requestPath) throws MalformedURLException,
- IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
+ @Override
+ public String getDirectoryUrl(final AbstractFile directory,
+ final IndexingContext context) {
- if (requestPath == null)
- requestPath = "";
+ try {
+ return jspPath + context.getLocalUrl() + "/"
+ + URLEncoder.encode(directory.fileName, "UTF-8");
+ } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
- if (requestPath.equals("/"))
- requestPath = "";
+ public String getHtml(String requestPath) throws
+ IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
- final MixedLayout layout = new MixedLayout();
- final IndexingContext context = new IndexingContext(globalPrefix,
- requestPath);
- layout.init("Photos", context.getLocalPathComponents(), this, context);
+ if (requestPath == null)
+ requestPath = "";
- final DirectoryMetadata directory = getMetadataForPath(requestPath);
+ if (requestPath.equals("/"))
+ requestPath = "";
- compileHtml(layout, directory);
+ final MixedLayout layout = new MixedLayout();
+ final IndexingContext context = new IndexingContext(globalPrefix,
+ requestPath);
+ layout.init("Photos", context.getLocalPathComponents(), this, context);
- return layout.getHtml(false, false, directory);
- }
+ final DirectoryMetadata directory = getMetadataForPath(requestPath);
- public DirectoryMetadata getMetadataForPath(final String requestPath)
- throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
+ compileHtml(layout, directory);
- final StringBuffer urlStringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
+ return layout.getHtml(false, false, directory);
+ }
- urlStringBuffer.append(globalPrefix);
- urlStringBuffer.append(Utils.urlEncode(requestPath));
- urlStringBuffer.append("/.thumbnails/metadata_6.dat");
+ public DirectoryMetadata getMetadataForPath(final String requestPath)
+ throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
- final String urlString = urlStringBuffer.toString();
+ final String urlString = globalPrefix +
+ Utils.urlEncode(requestPath) +
+ "/.thumbnails/metadata_6.dat";
- IOException exception = null;
+ IOException exception = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < METADATA_LOAD_TRY_COUNT; i++)
- try {
+ for (int i = 0; i < METADATA_LOAD_TRY_COUNT; i++)
+ try {
- final BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new URL(
- urlString).openStream());
+ final BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new URL(
+ urlString).openStream());
- final ObjectInputStream oin = new ObjectInputStream(in);
- final DirectoryMetadata directory = (DirectoryMetadata) oin
- .readObject();
- in.close();
+ final ObjectInputStream oin = new ObjectInputStream(in);
+ final DirectoryMetadata directory = (DirectoryMetadata) oin
+ .readObject();
+ in.close();
- return directory;
- } catch (final IOException e) {
- exception = e;
- }
+ return directory;
+ } catch (final IOException e) {
+ exception = e;
+ }
- throw exception;
- }
+ throw exception;
+ }
- @Override
- public String getParentDirectoryUrl(final IndexingContext context) {
- final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
+ @Override
+ public String getParentDirectoryUrl(final IndexingContext context) {
+ final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
- result.append(jspPath);
+ result.append(jspPath);
- final List<String> components = context.getLocalPathComponents();
+ final List<String> components = context.getLocalPathComponents();
- for (final String pathComponent : components.subList(0,
- components.size() - 1)) {
- result.append("/");
- result.append(pathComponent);
- }
+ for (final String pathComponent : components.subList(0,
+ components.size() - 1)) {
+ result.append("/");
+ result.append(pathComponent);
+ }
- return result.toString();
- }
+ return result.toString();
+ }
- @Override
- public String getThumbnailUrl(final Picture picture,
- final Dimension desiredDimension, final IndexingContext context) {
+ @Override
+ public String getThumbnailUrl(final Picture picture,
+ final Dimension desiredDimension, final IndexingContext context) {
- // in case thumbnail size was equal to original, then return original
- // file path
- if (picture.getDimensions().equals(desiredDimension))
- return context.getGlobalUrl() + context.getLocalUrl() + "/"
- + picture.fileName;
+ // in case thumbnail size was equal to original, then return original
+ // file path
+ if (picture.getDimensions().equals(desiredDimension))
+ return context.getGlobalUrl() + context.getLocalUrl() + "/"
+ + picture.fileName;
- final String thumbnailFileName = picture
- .getRelativeThumbnailFileName(desiredDimension);
+ final String thumbnailFileName = picture
+ .getRelativeThumbnailFileName(desiredDimension);
- return context.getGlobalUrl() + context.getLocalUrl() + "/"
- + Utils.urlEncode(thumbnailFileName);
- }
+ return context.getGlobalUrl() + context.getLocalUrl() + "/"
+ + Utils.urlEncode(thumbnailFileName);
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.layouts;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.AbstractIndexer;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.Constants;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.IndexingContext;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.Layout;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.Utils;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.*;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.Dimension;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.DirectoryMetadata;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.AbstractFile;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.GeneralFile;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.Picture;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-public class MixedLayout implements Layout {
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
+import java.util.List;
- public static final String encoding = "UTF-8";
+public class MixedLayout implements Layout {
- Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MixedLayout.class);
+ public static final String encoding = "UTF-8";
- StringBuffer dirHtml = new StringBuffer();
+ Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MixedLayout.class);
- StringBuffer filesHtml = new StringBuffer();
+ StringBuffer dirHtml = new StringBuffer();
- String galleryTitle;
+ StringBuffer filesHtml = new StringBuffer();
- List<String> path;
+ String galleryTitle;
- private AbstractIndexer indexer;
+ List<String> path;
- private IndexingContext indexingContext;
+ private AbstractIndexer indexer;
- @Override
- public void enlistDirectory(final AbstractFile directory,
- final DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata) {
- dirHtml.append("<TR>");
- dirHtml.append("<TD><b><a href=\""
- + indexer.getDirectoryUrl(directory, indexingContext)
- + "\"><h2> ==> " + directory.fileName + "</h2></a></b></TD>");
- dirHtml.append("</TR>\n");
+ private IndexingContext indexingContext;
- }
- @Override
- public void enlistFile(final AbstractFile file,
- final DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata) {
- final String fullFileName = file.fileName;
- filesHtml.append("<div style=\"clear: both;\"><a href=\""
- + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
- + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
- + fullFileName) + "\">" + fullFileName + "</a>\n");
- filesHtml.append(" ("
- + FilePathParser.getFileSizeDescription(file.getFileLength())
- + ")</div><br/>\n");
- }
- @Override
- public void enlistImage(final Picture picture,
- final DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata) {
- try {
- enlistImageInternal(picture);
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- logger.error(
- "Error generating thumbnails for image file: "
- + e.toString()
- + ", thumbnail generation skipped, enlisting as ordinary file instead.",
- e);
- enlistFile(picture, parentDirectoryMetadata);
- }
- }
- private String enlistImageDimensions(final Picture picture) {
- final StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
- final List<Dimension> recommendedDimensions = Picture
- .getThumbnailDimensions(picture.getDimensions());
- int count = 0;
- for (final Dimension dimension : recommendedDimensions) {
- count++;
- if (count > 1)
- html.append(", ");
- html.append("<a href=\""
- + indexer.getThumbnailUrl(picture, dimension,
- indexingContext) + "\">");
- html.append(dimension.width + "x" + dimension.height);
- html.append("</a>");
- }
- return html.toString();
- }
- private void enlistImageInternal(final Picture picture) {
- filesHtml.append("<div style=\"float:left; margin: 10px;\">");
- // clickable image thumbnail
- filesHtml.append("<a href=\""
- + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
- + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
- + picture.fileName) + "\">\n");
- filesHtml.append("<img border=\"0\" src=\""
- + getImageThumbnailUrl(picture) + "\"/></a><br/>\n");
- // file name
- filesHtml.append("<b>"
- + FilePathParser.getFileNameWithoutExtension(picture.fileName)
- + "</b><br/>");
- // links to thumbnails of various sizes
- filesHtml.append("(" + enlistImageDimensions(picture) + ")\n");
- filesHtml.append("</div>");
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public void enlistOgv(final AbstractFile abstractFile,
- final DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata)
- throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
- final GeneralFile file = (GeneralFile) abstractFile;
- filesHtml.append("<div style=\"margin: 30px; clear: both;\">");
- // watchable video
- filesHtml
- .append("<video preload=\"metadata\" controls=\"controls\" tabindex=\"0\">\n");
- filesHtml
- .append("<source type=\"video/ogg\" codecs=\"theora, vorbis\" src=\""
- + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
- + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
- + file.fileName) + "\">\n");
- filesHtml.append("</source>\n");
- filesHtml.append("</video>\n");
- filesHtml.append("<br/>\n");
- // video title
- filesHtml
- .append("Video: <b>"
- + FilePathParser
- .getFileNameWithoutExtension(file.fileName)
- + "<b/> ");
- // video download link
- filesHtml.append("<a href=\""
- + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
- + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
- + file.fileName) + "\">download as OGV file</a>");
- filesHtml.append("</div>\n");
- filesHtml.append("\n");
- }
- /** {@inheritDoc} */
- @Override
- public String getFileNameSuffix() {
- return "";
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- *
- * @throws IOException
- */
- @Override
- public String getHtml(final boolean showTitle,
- final boolean doHtmlHeaderAndFooter,
- final DirectoryMetadata directory) {
- // assemble final page HTML
- final StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer();
- if (doHtmlHeaderAndFooter) {
- // page header
- html.append("<HTML>\n");
- html.append("<HEAD>\n");
- html.append(" <meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"/>\n");
- html.append("</HEAD>\n");
- html.append("<BODY bgcolor=\"#000000\" alink=\"#50ffff\" link=\"#50ffff\" vlink=\"#ff50ff\" text=\"#ffffff\">\n");
- html.append("<!-- " + Constants.HTML_MAGIC_STRING + " -->\n");
- html.append("<!-- " + Constants.HTML_MEMO + " -->\n");
- html.append("<font color=\"#ffffff\">\n");
- }
- if (showTitle)
- html.append("<CENTER><H1>" + galleryTitle + "</H1></CENTER>\n");
- html.append(showCurrentPath());
- html.append(listDirectories());
- html.append(directory.getHeaderMevizMetadataHtml());
- html.append(filesHtml.toString());
- if (doHtmlHeaderAndFooter)
- html.append("</font></BODY></HTML>\n");
- return html.toString();
- }
- private String getImageThumbnailUrl(final Picture picture) {
- final Dimension imageSize = picture.getDimensions();
- Dimension listingDimension = new Dimension(1500, 450);
- if (listingDimension.width > imageSize.width)
- if (listingDimension.height > imageSize.height)
- listingDimension = imageSize;
- return indexer.getThumbnailUrl(picture, listingDimension,
- indexingContext);
- }
- @Override
- public void init(final String galleryTitle, final List<String> path,
- final AbstractIndexer indexer, final IndexingContext indexingContext) {
- this.indexer = indexer;
- this.galleryTitle = galleryTitle;
- this.path = path;
- this.indexingContext = indexingContext;
- dirHtml = new StringBuffer();
- filesHtml = new StringBuffer();
- }
- private String listDirectories() {
- final StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
- html.append("<TABLE>\n");
- if (path.size() > 0) {
- html.append("<TR>");
- html.append("<TD><b><a href=\""
- + indexer.getParentDirectoryUrl(indexingContext)
- + "\"><h2> <== parent directory</h2></a></b></TD>");
- html.append("</TR>\n");
- }
- html.append(dirHtml.toString());
- html.append("\n<TR><TD><br></TD></TR>\n");
- html.append("</TABLE>\n");
- return html.toString();
- }
- private String showCurrentPath() {
- final StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
- html.append("<CENTER><H2>");
- for (final String p : path)
- html.append(" / " + p);
- html.append("</H2></CENTER>\n");
- return html.toString();
- }
- @Override
- public void enlistWebm(AbstractFile abstractFile,
- DirectoryMetadata directory) {
- final GeneralFile file = (GeneralFile) abstractFile;
- filesHtml.append("<div style=\"margin: 30px; clear: both;\">");
- // watchable video
- String fileUrl = indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
- + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
- + file.fileName);
- filesHtml.append("<video controls>\n");
- filesHtml.append(" <source src=\"" + fileUrl
- + "\" type='video/webm;codecs=\"vp8, opus\"'/>\n");
- filesHtml.append("</video>\n");
- filesHtml.append("<br/>\n");
- // video title
- filesHtml
- .append("Video: <b>"
- + FilePathParser
- .getFileNameWithoutExtension(file.fileName)
- + "<b/> ");
- // video download link
- filesHtml.append("<a href=\""
- + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
- + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
- + file.fileName) + "\">download as WebM file</a>");
- filesHtml.append("</div>\n");
+ @Override
+ public void enlistDirectory(final AbstractFile directory,
+ final DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata) {
+ dirHtml.append("<TR>");
+ dirHtml.append("<TD><b><a href=\""
+ + indexer.getDirectoryUrl(directory, indexingContext)
+ + "\"><h2> ==> " + directory.fileName + "</h2></a></b></TD>");
+ dirHtml.append("</TR>\n");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void enlistFile(final AbstractFile file,
+ final DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata) {
+ final String fullFileName = file.fileName;
+ filesHtml.append("<div style=\"clear: both;\"><a href=\""
+ + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
+ + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
+ + fullFileName) + "\">" + fullFileName + "</a>\n");
+ filesHtml.append(" ("
+ + FilePathParser.getFileSizeDescription(file.getFileLength())
+ + ")</div><br/>\n");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void enlistImage(final Picture picture,
+ final DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata) {
+ try {
+ enlistImageInternal(picture);
+ } catch (final Exception e) {
+ logger.error(
+ "Error generating thumbnails for image file: "
+ + e.toString()
+ + ", thumbnail generation skipped, enlisting as ordinary file instead.",
+ e);
+ enlistFile(picture, parentDirectoryMetadata);
+ }
+ }
+ private String enlistImageDimensions(final Picture picture) {
+ final StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
+ final List<Dimension> recommendedDimensions = Picture
+ .getThumbnailDimensions(picture.getDimensions());
+ int count = 0;
+ for (final Dimension dimension : recommendedDimensions) {
+ count++;
+ if (count > 1)
+ html.append(", ");
+ html.append("<a href=\""
+ + indexer.getThumbnailUrl(picture, dimension,
+ indexingContext) + "\">");
+ html.append(dimension.width + "x" + dimension.height);
+ html.append("</a>");
+ }
+ return html.toString();
+ }
+ private void enlistImageInternal(final Picture picture) {
+ filesHtml.append("<div style=\"float:left; margin: 10px;\">");
+ // clickable image thumbnail
+ filesHtml.append("<a href=\""
+ + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
+ + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
+ + picture.fileName) + "\">\n");
+ filesHtml.append("<img border=\"0\" src=\""
+ + getImageThumbnailUrl(picture) + "\"/></a><br/>\n");
+ // file name
+ filesHtml.append("<b>"
+ + FilePathParser.getFileNameWithoutExtension(picture.fileName)
+ + "</b><br/>");
+ // links to thumbnails of various sizes
+ filesHtml.append("(" + enlistImageDimensions(picture) + ")\n");
+ filesHtml.append("</div>");
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void enlistOgv(final AbstractFile abstractFile,
+ final DirectoryMetadata parentDirectoryMetadata)
+ throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
+ final GeneralFile file = (GeneralFile) abstractFile;
+ filesHtml.append("<div style=\"margin: 30px; clear: both;\">");
+ // watchable video
+ filesHtml
+ .append("<video preload=\"metadata\" controls=\"controls\" tabindex=\"0\">\n");
+ filesHtml
+ .append("<source type=\"video/ogg\" codecs=\"theora, vorbis\" src=\""
+ + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
+ + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
+ + file.fileName) + "\">\n");
+ filesHtml.append("</source>\n");
+ filesHtml.append("</video>\n");
+ filesHtml.append("<br/>\n");
+ // video title
+ filesHtml
+ .append("Video: <b>"
+ + FilePathParser
+ .getFileNameWithoutExtension(file.fileName)
+ + "<b/> ");
+ // video download link
+ filesHtml.append("<a href=\""
+ + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
+ + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
+ + file.fileName) + "\">download as OGV file</a>");
+ filesHtml.append("</div>\n");
+ filesHtml.append("\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String getFileNameSuffix() {
+ return "";
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ *
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ @Override
+ public String getHtml(final boolean showTitle,
+ final boolean doHtmlHeaderAndFooter,
+ final DirectoryMetadata directory) {
+ // assemble final page HTML
+ final StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
+ if (doHtmlHeaderAndFooter) {
+ // page header
+ html.append("<HTML>\n");
+ html.append("<HEAD>\n");
+ html.append(" <meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"/>\n");
+ html.append("</HEAD>\n");
+ html.append("<BODY bgcolor=\"#000000\" alink=\"#50ffff\" link=\"#50ffff\" vlink=\"#ff50ff\" text=\"#ffffff\">\n");
+ html.append("<!-- " + Constants.HTML_MAGIC_STRING + " -->\n");
+ html.append("<!-- " + Constants.HTML_MEMO + " -->\n");
+ html.append("<font color=\"#ffffff\">\n");
+ }
+ if (showTitle)
+ html.append("<CENTER><H1>" + galleryTitle + "</H1></CENTER>\n");
+ html.append(showCurrentPath());
+ html.append(listDirectories());
+ html.append(directory.getHeaderMevizMetadataHtml());
+ html.append(filesHtml.toString());
+ if (doHtmlHeaderAndFooter)
+ html.append("</font></BODY></HTML>\n");
+ return html.toString();
+ }
+ private String getImageThumbnailUrl(final Picture picture) {
+ final Dimension imageSize = picture.getDimensions();
+ Dimension listingDimension = new Dimension(1500, 450);
+ if (listingDimension.width > imageSize.width)
+ if (listingDimension.height > imageSize.height)
+ listingDimension = imageSize;
+ return indexer.getThumbnailUrl(picture, listingDimension,
+ indexingContext);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void init(final String galleryTitle, final List<String> path,
+ final AbstractIndexer indexer, final IndexingContext indexingContext) {
+ this.indexer = indexer;
+ this.galleryTitle = galleryTitle;
+ this.path = path;
+ this.indexingContext = indexingContext;
+ dirHtml = new StringBuffer();
+ filesHtml = new StringBuffer();
+ }
+ private String listDirectories() {
+ final StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
+ html.append("<TABLE>\n");
+ if (path.size() > 0) {
+ html.append("<TR>");
+ html.append("<TD><b><a href=\""
+ + indexer.getParentDirectoryUrl(indexingContext)
+ + "\"><h2> <== parent directory</h2></a></b></TD>");
+ html.append("</TR>\n");
+ }
+ html.append(dirHtml.toString());
+ html.append("\n<TR><TD><br></TD></TR>\n");
+ html.append("</TABLE>\n");
+ return html.toString();
+ }
+ private String showCurrentPath() {
+ final StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
+ html.append("<CENTER><H2>");
+ for (final String p : path)
+ html.append(" / " + p);
+ html.append("</H2></CENTER>\n");
+ return html.toString();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void enlistWebm(AbstractFile abstractFile,
+ DirectoryMetadata directory) {
+ final GeneralFile file = (GeneralFile) abstractFile;
+ filesHtml.append("<div style=\"margin: 30px; clear: both;\">");
+ // watchable video
+ String fileUrl = indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
+ + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
+ + file.fileName);
+ filesHtml.append("<video controls>\n");
+ filesHtml.append(" <source src=\"" + fileUrl
+ + "\" type='video/webm;codecs=\"vp8, opus\"'/>\n");
+ filesHtml.append("</video>\n");
+ filesHtml.append("<br/>\n");
+ // video title
+ filesHtml
+ .append("Video: <b>"
+ + FilePathParser
+ .getFileNameWithoutExtension(file.fileName)
+ + "<b/> ");
+ // video download link
+ filesHtml.append("<a href=\""
+ + indexingContext.getGlobalUrl()
+ + Utils.urlEncode(indexingContext.getLocalUrl() + "/"
+ + file.fileName) + "\">download as WebM file</a>");
+ filesHtml.append("</div>\n");
- filesHtml.append("\n");
- }
+ filesHtml.append("\n");
+ }
public class Dimension implements Serializable, Comparable<Dimension> {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -1039288266937331829L;
- public int width;
- public int height;
- public Dimension() {
- width = 0;
- height = 0;
- }
- public Dimension(final Dimension origial) {
- width = origial.width;
- height = origial.height;
- }
- public Dimension(final int width, final int height) {
- this.width = width;
- this.height = height;
- }
- @Override
- public int compareTo(final Dimension anotherDimension) {
- if (width < anotherDimension.width)
- return -1;
- if (width > anotherDimension.width)
- return 1;
- if (height < anotherDimension.height)
- return -1;
- if (height > anotherDimension.height)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- public boolean equals(final Dimension anotherDimension) {
- if (compareTo(anotherDimension) == 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- public int getArea() {
- return width * height;
- }
- public java.awt.Dimension getAwtDimension() {
- return new java.awt.Dimension(width, height);
- }
- public Dimension getScaled(final double multiplicationFactor) {
- final Dimension result = new Dimension();
- result.width = (int) ((width) * multiplicationFactor);
- result.height = (int) ((height) * multiplicationFactor);
- return result;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return "Dimension [width=" + width + ", height=" + height + "]";
- }
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1039288266937331829L;
+ public int width;
+ public int height;
+ public Dimension() {
+ width = 0;
+ height = 0;
+ }
+ public Dimension(final Dimension origial) {
+ width = origial.width;
+ height = origial.height;
+ }
+ public Dimension(final int width, final int height) {
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int compareTo(final Dimension anotherDimension) {
+ if (width < anotherDimension.width)
+ return -1;
+ if (width > anotherDimension.width)
+ return 1;
+ if (height < anotherDimension.height)
+ return -1;
+ if (height > anotherDimension.height)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public boolean equals(final Dimension anotherDimension) {
+ return compareTo(anotherDimension) == 0;
+ }
+ public int getArea() {
+ return width * height;
+ }
+ public java.awt.Dimension getAwtDimension() {
+ return new java.awt.Dimension(width, height);
+ }
+ public Dimension getScaled(final double multiplicationFactor) {
+ final Dimension result = new Dimension();
+ result.width = (int) ((width) * multiplicationFactor);
+ result.height = (int) ((height) * multiplicationFactor);
+ return result;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "Dimension [width=" + width + ", height=" + height + "]";
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.Serializable;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.AbstractIndexer;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.FileSortComparator;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.ImageFormatError;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.AbstractFile;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.DirectoryFile;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.GeneralFile;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.MevizSpecialFile;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.Picture;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes.*;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.Serializable;
+import java.util.*;
* Corresponds to single filesystem directory.
public class DirectoryMetadata implements Serializable {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 3526489102725366334L;
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3526489102725366334L;
- private final HashMap<String, AbstractFile> fileNameToFileMap = new HashMap<String, AbstractFile>();
+ private final HashMap<String, AbstractFile> fileNameToFileMap = new HashMap<String, AbstractFile>();
- public transient boolean changed;
+ public transient boolean changed;
- /**
- * Performs cleanup of directory model. In particular removes metadata for
- * images that no longer exist in the filesystem.
- */
- public void cleanup() {
- final Iterator<AbstractFile> fileIterator = fileNameToFileMap.values()
- .iterator();
+ /**
+ * Performs cleanup of directory model. In particular removes metadata for
+ * images that no longer exist in the filesystem.
+ */
+ public void cleanup() {
+ final Iterator<AbstractFile> fileIterator = fileNameToFileMap.values()
+ .iterator();
- while (fileIterator.hasNext()) {
- final AbstractFile file = fileIterator.next();
+ while (fileIterator.hasNext()) {
+ final AbstractFile file = fileIterator.next();
- if (!file.isMetaInfoVerified())
- fileIterator.remove();
- }
- }
+ if (!file.isMetaInfoVerified())
+ fileIterator.remove();
+ }
+ }
- public void ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(final File parentDirectory,
- final File file) throws Exception {
+ public void ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(final File parentDirectory,
+ final File file) throws Exception {
- final String fileName = file.getName();
+ final String fileName = file.getName();
- if (fileNameToFileMap.containsKey(fileName)) {
- final boolean metainfoUpdated = fileNameToFileMap.get(fileName)
- .ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(parentDirectory);
+ if (fileNameToFileMap.containsKey(fileName)) {
+ final boolean metainfoUpdated = fileNameToFileMap.get(fileName)
+ .ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(parentDirectory);
- if (metainfoUpdated)
- changed = true;
- } else
- registerFile(parentDirectory, file);
+ if (metainfoUpdated)
+ changed = true;
+ } else
+ registerFile(parentDirectory, file);
- }
+ }
- private AbstractFile getAbstractFile(final File parentDirectory,
- final File file, final String fileName) throws Exception {
+ private AbstractFile getAbstractFile(final File parentDirectory,
+ final File file, final String fileName) throws Exception {
- if (file.isDirectory())
- return new DirectoryFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ if (file.isDirectory())
+ return new DirectoryFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
- final String fileExtension = FilePathParser.getFileExtension(fileName)
- .toLowerCase();
+ final String fileExtension = FilePathParser.getFileExtension(fileName)
+ .toLowerCase();
- if (AbstractIndexer.isImage(fileExtension))
- try {
- return new Picture(parentDirectory, fileName);
- } catch (final Exception exception) {
- // in case image decoding failed, handle image as general file
- return new GeneralFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
- }
+ if (AbstractIndexer.isImage(fileExtension))
+ try {
+ return new Picture(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ } catch (final Exception exception) {
+ // in case image decoding failed, handle image as general file
+ return new GeneralFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ }
- if (fileName.endsWith(".meviz.org"))
- return new MevizSpecialFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ if (fileName.endsWith(".meviz.org"))
+ return new MevizSpecialFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
- if (fileName.endsWith(".meviz.html"))
- return new MevizSpecialFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ if (fileName.endsWith(".meviz.html"))
+ return new MevizSpecialFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
- return new GeneralFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
- }
+ return new GeneralFile(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ }
- public AbstractFile getFile(final String fileName) {
- return fileNameToFileMap.get(fileName);
- }
+ public AbstractFile getFile(final String fileName) {
+ return fileNameToFileMap.get(fileName);
+ }
- public Collection<AbstractFile> getFiles() {
+ public Collection<AbstractFile> getFiles() {
- final ArrayList<AbstractFile> files = new ArrayList<AbstractFile>(
- fileNameToFileMap.values());
+ final ArrayList<AbstractFile> files = new ArrayList<AbstractFile>(
+ fileNameToFileMap.values());
- Collections.sort(files, new FileSortComparator());
+ Collections.sort(files, new FileSortComparator());
- return files;
- }
+ return files;
+ }
- public String getHeaderMevizMetadataHtml() {
- final AbstractFile headerFile = getFile("header.meviz.html");
- if (headerFile == null)
- return "";
+ public String getHeaderMevizMetadataHtml() {
+ final AbstractFile headerFile = getFile("header.meviz.html");
+ if (headerFile == null)
+ return "";
- final MevizSpecialFile mevizSpecialFile = (MevizSpecialFile) headerFile;
- return mevizSpecialFile.getFileContent();
- }
+ final MevizSpecialFile mevizSpecialFile = (MevizSpecialFile) headerFile;
+ return mevizSpecialFile.getFileContent();
+ }
- public Dimension getImageDimensions(final String fileName)
- throws IOException, ImageFormatError {
+ public Dimension getImageDimensions(final String fileName)
+ throws IOException, ImageFormatError {
- return ((Picture) getFile(fileName)).getDimensions();
- }
+ return ((Picture) getFile(fileName)).getDimensions();
+ }
- public AbstractFile registerFile(final File parentDirectory, final File file)
- throws Exception {
+ public AbstractFile registerFile(final File parentDirectory, final File file)
+ throws Exception {
- final String fileName = file.getName();
+ final String fileName = file.getName();
- final AbstractFile abstractFile = getAbstractFile(parentDirectory,
- file, fileName);
+ final AbstractFile abstractFile = getAbstractFile(parentDirectory,
+ file, fileName);
- fileNameToFileMap.put(fileName, abstractFile);
+ fileNameToFileMap.put(fileName, abstractFile);
- changed = true;
+ changed = true;
- return abstractFile;
- }
+ return abstractFile;
+ }
- public void removeUnusedMetadataEntries() {
+ public void removeUnusedMetadataEntries() {
- for (final String key : new HashSet<String>(fileNameToFileMap.keySet()))
- if (!fileNameToFileMap.get(key).isMetaInfoVerified()) {
- fileNameToFileMap.remove(key);
- changed = true;
- }
+ for (final String key : new HashSet<String>(fileNameToFileMap.keySet()))
+ if (!fileNameToFileMap.get(key).isMetaInfoVerified()) {
+ fileNameToFileMap.remove(key);
+ changed = true;
+ }
- }
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
-import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
+import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.IOHelper;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.IOHelper;
+import java.io.*;
public class MetadadaHelper {
- public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MetadadaHelper.class);
- /**
- * Load previously generated or initialize new directory metadata.
- */
- public static DirectoryMetadata initDirectoryMetadata(
- final File metadataFile) {
- if (!metadataFile.exists())
- return new DirectoryMetadata();
- else
- try {
- final ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(
- new FileInputStream(metadataFile));
- final DirectoryMetadata directory = (DirectoryMetadata) in
- .readObject();
- in.close();
- return directory;
- } catch (final Exception exception) {
- logger.error("Cannot load existing directory metadata.",
- exception);
- return new DirectoryMetadata();
- }
- }
- public static void saveDirectoryMetadata(final File persistanceFile,
- final DirectoryMetadata directory) throws IOException {
- // serialize directory metadata into byte array
- final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- final ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(
- byteArrayOutputStream);
- out.writeObject(directory);
- out.close();
- // store byte array into file
- IOHelper.saveToFile(persistanceFile,
- byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray());
- }
+ public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MetadadaHelper.class);
+ /**
+ * Load previously generated or initialize new directory metadata.
+ */
+ public static DirectoryMetadata initDirectoryMetadata(
+ final File metadataFile) {
+ if (!metadataFile.exists())
+ return new DirectoryMetadata();
+ else
+ try {
+ final ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(
+ new FileInputStream(metadataFile));
+ final DirectoryMetadata directory = (DirectoryMetadata) in
+ .readObject();
+ in.close();
+ return directory;
+ } catch (final Exception exception) {
+ logger.error("Cannot load existing directory metadata.",
+ exception);
+ return new DirectoryMetadata();
+ }
+ }
+ public static void saveDirectoryMetadata(final File persistanceFile,
+ final DirectoryMetadata directory) throws IOException {
+ // serialize directory metadata into byte array
+ final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ final ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(
+ byteArrayOutputStream);
+ out.writeObject(directory);
+ out.close();
+ // store byte array into file
+ IOHelper.saveToFile(persistanceFile,
+ byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray());
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes;
+import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
-import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
public abstract class AbstractFile implements Serializable {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -2547388204667088033L;
- /**
- * File name relative to the immediate parent directory.
- */
- public final String fileName;
- /**
- * File length in bytes.
- */
- private long fileLength = -1;
- private transient boolean metaInfoVerified;
- public AbstractFile(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
- throws Exception {
- this.fileName = fileName;
- ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(parentDirectory);
- }
- /**
- * @return <code>true</code> if file metadata was updated.
- */
- public boolean ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(final File parentDirectory)
- throws Exception {
- if (!isMetainfoUpToDate(parentDirectory)) {
- fileLength = getFile(parentDirectory).length();
- updateFileMetainfo(parentDirectory);
- metaInfoVerified = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- public boolean fileExists(final File parentDirectory) {
- return getFile(parentDirectory).exists();
- }
- public File getFile(final File parentDirectory) {
- return new File(parentDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), fileName);
- }
- public String getFileExtension() {
- return FilePathParser.getFileExtension(fileName);
- }
- public long getFileLength() {
- return fileLength;
- }
- private boolean isMetainfoUpToDate(final java.io.File parentDirectory)
- throws IOException {
- if (metaInfoVerified)
- return true;
- final File file = getFile(parentDirectory);
- // first check that file exists at all
- if (!file.exists()) {
- System.out.println(file);
- throw new RuntimeException("Picture file by name \"" + fileName
- + "\" does not exist in the parent directory \""
- + parentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "\"");
- }
- // check that file length is the same as before
- if (file.length() != fileLength)
- return false;
- metaInfoVerified = true;
- return true;
- }
- public boolean isMetaInfoVerified() {
- return metaInfoVerified;
- }
- protected abstract void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory)
- throws Exception;
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2547388204667088033L;
+ /**
+ * File name relative to the immediate parent directory.
+ */
+ public final String fileName;
+ /**
+ * File length in bytes.
+ */
+ private long fileLength = -1;
+ private transient boolean metaInfoVerified;
+ public AbstractFile(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
+ throws Exception {
+ this.fileName = fileName;
+ ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(parentDirectory);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return <code>true</code> if file metadata was updated.
+ */
+ public boolean ensureFileMetainfoIsUpToDate(final File parentDirectory)
+ throws Exception {
+ if (!isMetainfoUpToDate(parentDirectory)) {
+ fileLength = getFile(parentDirectory).length();
+ updateFileMetainfo(parentDirectory);
+ metaInfoVerified = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean fileExists(final File parentDirectory) {
+ return getFile(parentDirectory).exists();
+ }
+ public File getFile(final File parentDirectory) {
+ return new File(parentDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), fileName);
+ }
+ public String getFileExtension() {
+ return FilePathParser.getFileExtension(fileName);
+ }
+ public long getFileLength() {
+ return fileLength;
+ }
+ private boolean isMetainfoUpToDate(final java.io.File parentDirectory)
+ throws IOException {
+ if (metaInfoVerified)
+ return true;
+ final File file = getFile(parentDirectory);
+ // first check that file exists at all
+ if (!file.exists()) {
+ System.out.println(file);
+ throw new RuntimeException("Picture file by name \"" + fileName
+ + "\" does not exist in the parent directory \""
+ + parentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "\"");
+ }
+ // check that file length is the same as before
+ if (file.length() != fileLength)
+ return false;
+ metaInfoVerified = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean isMetaInfoVerified() {
+ return metaInfoVerified;
+ }
+ protected abstract void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory)
+ throws Exception;
public class DirectoryFile extends AbstractFile {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 2387153281300820532L;
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2387153281300820532L;
- public DirectoryFile(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
- throws Exception {
- super(parentDirectory, fileName);
- }
+ public DirectoryFile(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
+ throws Exception {
+ super(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ }
- @Override
- protected void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory)
- throws IOException {
- }
+ @Override
+ protected void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory)
+ throws IOException {
+ }
public class GeneralFile extends AbstractFile {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -2373609481729401415L;
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2373609481729401415L;
- public GeneralFile(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
- throws Exception {
- super(parentDirectory, fileName);
- }
+ public GeneralFile(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
+ throws Exception {
+ super(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ }
- @Override
- protected void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory)
- throws IOException {
- }
+ @Override
+ protected void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory)
+ throws IOException {
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes;
+import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.IOHelper;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
-import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.IOHelper;
public class MevizSpecialFile extends AbstractFile {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -8749190459653455640L;
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8749190459653455640L;
- private String fileContent;
+ private String fileContent;
- public MevizSpecialFile(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
- throws Exception {
- super(parentDirectory, fileName);
- }
+ public MevizSpecialFile(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
+ throws Exception {
+ super(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ }
- public String getFileContent() {
- return fileContent;
- }
+ public String getFileContent() {
+ return fileContent;
+ }
- @Override
- protected void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory)
- throws IOException {
+ @Override
+ protected void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory)
+ throws IOException {
- fileContent = IOHelper
- .getFileContentsAsString(getFile(parentDirectory));
- }
+ fileContent = IOHelper
+ .getFileContentsAsString(getFile(parentDirectory));
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.fileTypes;
-import java.awt.Graphics2D;
-import java.awt.Image;
-import java.awt.Toolkit;
+import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.Constants;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.Utils;
+import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.Dimension;
+import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource;
import java.awt.image.ImageFilter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
-import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
-import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
-import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.Constants;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.Utils;
-import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.htmlindexer.metadata.Dimension;
public class Picture extends AbstractFile {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -4156533490858298387L;
- private static void ensureNonzeroImageArea(final java.awt.Dimension result) {
- if (result.width < 1)
- result.width = 1;
- if (result.height < 1)
- result.height = 1;
- }
- /**
- * Actual returned target thumbnail size will be adjusted from desired one
- * by attempting to generate as large as possible thumbnail, while not
- * exceeding provided thumbnail width and height, and preserving aspect
- * ratio of original image.
- */
- public static java.awt.Dimension getTargetThumbnailDimension(
- final java.awt.Dimension originalImageDimension,
- final java.awt.Dimension desiredTargetDimension) {
- final double thumbWidthToHeightRatio = (double) desiredTargetDimension.width
- / (double) desiredTargetDimension.height;
- final double inputImageWidthToHeightRatio = (double) originalImageDimension.width
- / (double) originalImageDimension.height;
- if (thumbWidthToHeightRatio < inputImageWidthToHeightRatio) {
- final java.awt.Dimension result = new java.awt.Dimension(
- desiredTargetDimension.width,
- (int) (desiredTargetDimension.width / inputImageWidthToHeightRatio));
- ensureNonzeroImageArea(result);
- return result;
- } else {
- final java.awt.Dimension result = new java.awt.Dimension(
- (int) (desiredTargetDimension.height * inputImageWidthToHeightRatio),
- desiredTargetDimension.height);
- ensureNonzeroImageArea(result);
- return result;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Propose list of thumbnail dimensions.
- */
- public static List<Dimension> getThumbnailDimensions(Dimension current) {
- final ArrayList<Dimension> result = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
- result.add(current);
- while (current.getArea() > 1000000) {
- current = current.getScaled(0.5d);
- result.add(current);
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static void makeThumbnail(final File inputFile,
- final File outputFile,
- final java.awt.Dimension preferredTargetDimensions) {
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4156533490858298387L;
+ /**
+ * Picture dimensions.
+ */
+ private Dimension dimensions;
- try {
+ public Picture(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
+ throws Exception {
+ super(parentDirectory, fileName);
+ }
- final BufferedImage inputImage = Utils.getBufferedImage(inputFile);
+ private static void ensureNonzeroImageArea(final java.awt.Dimension result) {
+ if (result.width < 1)
+ result.width = 1;
+ if (result.height < 1)
+ result.height = 1;
+ }
- final java.awt.Dimension sourceImageDimension = new java.awt.Dimension(
- inputImage.getWidth(), inputImage.getHeight());
+ /**
+ * Actual returned target thumbnail size will be adjusted from desired one
+ * by attempting to generate as large as possible thumbnail, while not
+ * exceeding provided thumbnail width and height, and preserving aspect
+ * ratio of original image.
+ */
+ public static java.awt.Dimension getTargetThumbnailDimension(
+ final java.awt.Dimension originalImageDimension,
+ final java.awt.Dimension desiredTargetDimension) {
- final java.awt.Dimension targetDimensions = getTargetThumbnailDimension(
- sourceImageDimension, preferredTargetDimensions);
+ final double thumbWidthToHeightRatio = (double) desiredTargetDimension.width
+ / (double) desiredTargetDimension.height;
+ final double inputImageWidthToHeightRatio = (double) originalImageDimension.width
+ / (double) originalImageDimension.height;
- final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
+ if (thumbWidthToHeightRatio < inputImageWidthToHeightRatio) {
- final Image scaledImage = scaleImage(inputImage,
- targetDimensions.width, targetDimensions.height);
+ final java.awt.Dimension result = new java.awt.Dimension(
+ desiredTargetDimension.width,
+ (int) (desiredTargetDimension.width / inputImageWidthToHeightRatio));
- final BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(
- scaledImage.getWidth(null), scaledImage.getHeight(null),
- BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
+ ensureNonzeroImageArea(result);
- final Graphics2D g = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
- g.drawImage(scaledImage, 0, 0, null);
- g.dispose();
+ return result;
+ } else {
- ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "jpg", out);
- out.close();
+ final java.awt.Dimension result = new java.awt.Dimension(
+ (int) (desiredTargetDimension.height * inputImageWidthToHeightRatio),
+ desiredTargetDimension.height);
- } catch (final Exception exception) {
- System.out.println(exception.toString());
- exception.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
+ ensureNonzeroImageArea(result);
- /**
- * @return new image scaled to desired dimensions
- */
- public static Image scaleImage(final Image srcImage, final int width,
- final int height) {
- final ImageFilter filter = new java.awt.image.AreaAveragingScaleFilter(
- width, height);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
- final ImageProducer prod = new FilteredImageSource(
- srcImage.getSource(), filter);
+ /**
+ * Propose list of thumbnail dimensions.
+ */
+ public static List<Dimension> getThumbnailDimensions(Dimension current) {
+ final ArrayList<Dimension> result = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
+ result.add(current);
+ while (current.getArea() > 1000000) {
+ current = current.getScaled(0.5d);
+ result.add(current);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static void makeThumbnail(final File inputFile,
+ final File outputFile,
+ final java.awt.Dimension preferredTargetDimensions) {
+ try {
+ final BufferedImage inputImage = Utils.getBufferedImage(inputFile);
+ final java.awt.Dimension sourceImageDimension = new java.awt.Dimension(
+ inputImage.getWidth(), inputImage.getHeight());
+ final java.awt.Dimension targetDimensions = getTargetThumbnailDimension(
+ sourceImageDimension, preferredTargetDimensions);
+ final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
+ final Image scaledImage = scaleImage(inputImage,
+ targetDimensions.width, targetDimensions.height);
+ final BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(
+ scaledImage.getWidth(null), scaledImage.getHeight(null),
+ BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
+ final Graphics2D g = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
+ g.drawImage(scaledImage, 0, 0, null);
+ g.dispose();
+ ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "jpg", out);
+ out.close();
+ } catch (final Exception exception) {
+ System.out.println(exception.toString());
+ exception.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
- final Image newImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(prod);
+ /**
+ * @return new image scaled to desired dimensions
+ */
+ public static Image scaleImage(final Image srcImage, final int width,
+ final int height) {
+ final ImageFilter filter = new java.awt.image.AreaAveragingScaleFilter(
+ width, height);
- return new ImageIcon(newImage).getImage();
- };
+ final ImageProducer prod = new FilteredImageSource(
+ srcImage.getSource(), filter);
- /**
- * Picture dimensions.
- */
- private Dimension dimensions;
+ final Image newImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(prod);
- public Picture(final File parentDirectory, final String fileName)
- throws Exception {
- super(parentDirectory, fileName);
- }
+ return new ImageIcon(newImage).getImage();
+ }
- private String computeThumbnailHash(final Dimension targetDimension) {
+ private String computeThumbnailHash(final Dimension targetDimension) {
- // compute new thumbnails hash number
- final String forMagicHash = fileName + " "
- + String.valueOf(targetDimension.width) + " "
- + String.valueOf(targetDimension.height) + " "
- + String.valueOf(getFileLength()) + " "
+ // compute new thumbnails hash number
+ final String forMagicHash = fileName + " "
+ + String.valueOf(targetDimension.width) + " "
+ + String.valueOf(targetDimension.height) + " "
+ + String.valueOf(getFileLength()) + " "
- // System.out.println("Computing hash from: " + forMagicHash);
- return Utils.getStringCrcAsHex(forMagicHash);
- }
+ // System.out.println("Computing hash from: " + forMagicHash);
+ return Utils.getStringCrcAsHex(forMagicHash);
+ }
- public Dimension getDimensions() {
- return dimensions;
- }
+ public Dimension getDimensions() {
+ return dimensions;
+ }
- /**
- * Get thumbnail file name for this image and desired thumbnail dimensions
- * relative to designated thumbnails directory within parent directory.
- */
- public String getRelativeThumbnailFileName(final Dimension targetDimension) {
- return FilePathParser.getFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + " ("
- + computeThumbnailHash(targetDimension) + ").jpeg";
- }
+ /**
+ * Get thumbnail file name for this image and desired thumbnail dimensions
+ * relative to designated thumbnails directory within parent directory.
+ */
+ public String getRelativeThumbnailFileName(final Dimension targetDimension) {
+ return FilePathParser.getFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + " ("
+ + computeThumbnailHash(targetDimension) + ").jpeg";
+ }
- @Override
- public void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory) throws Exception {
- final BufferedImage image = Utils
- .getBufferedImage(getFile(parentDirectory));
- dimensions = new Dimension(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
- }
+ @Override
+ public void updateFileMetainfo(final File parentDirectory) throws Exception {
+ final BufferedImage image = Utils
+ .getBufferedImage(getFile(parentDirectory));
+ dimensions = new Dimension(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.renamer;
-import java.io.File;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.Parser;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.DirectoryParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.NullParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.StringParameters;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.encoder.EncodingOptions;
+import java.io.File;
public class CommandlineHandler {
- Parser parser = new Parser();
+ Parser parser = new Parser();
- NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
- new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
- "--recursive");
+ NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
+ new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
+ "--recursive");
- NullParameter testParameter = parser.add(
- new NullParameter(
- "Simulate renaming (no changes will be actually done)."))
- .addAliases("-t", "--test");
+ NullParameter testParameter = parser.add(
+ new NullParameter(
+ "Simulate renaming (no changes will be actually done)."))
+ .addAliases("-t", "--test");
- StringParameter outputPatternParameter = parser.add(
- new StringParameter("Output pattern.")).addAliases("-o",
- "--output-pattern");
+ StringParameter outputPatternParameter = parser.add(
+ new StringParameter("Output pattern.")).addAliases("-o",
+ "--output-pattern");
- StringParameters inputPatternParameter = parser.add(
- new StringParameters("File input pattern.")).addAliases("-i",
- "--input-pattern");
+ StringParameters inputPatternParameter = parser.add(
+ new StringParameters("File input pattern.")).addAliases("-i",
+ "--input-pattern");
- DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser
- .add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
- .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
+ DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser
+ .add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
+ .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
- /**
- * @return {@link EncodingOptions} if commandline arguments were
- * successfully parsed, or <code>null</code> if parsing error
- * occurred.
- */
- public RenamingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
+ /**
+ * @return {@link EncodingOptions} if commandline arguments were
+ * successfully parsed, or <code>null</code> if parsing error
+ * occurred.
+ */
+ public RenamingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
- final RenamingOptions options = new RenamingOptions();
+ final RenamingOptions options = new RenamingOptions();
- if (!parser.parse(args))
- return null;
+ if (!parser.parse(args))
+ return null;
- if (testParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.testOnly = true;
+ if (testParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.testOnly = true;
- if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.recursive = true;
+ if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.recursive = true;
- if (outputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.outputPattern = outputPatternParameter.getValue();
+ if (outputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.outputPattern = outputPatternParameter.getValue();
- if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.targetDirectory = workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
- else
- options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
+ if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.targetDirectory = workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
+ else
+ options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
- // TODO: add multiple input patterns support
- if (inputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.inputPatterns.addAll(inputPatternParameter.getValue());
+ // TODO: add multiple input patterns support
+ if (inputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.inputPatterns.addAll(inputPatternParameter.getValue());
- return options;
- }
+ return options;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.renamer;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.Arrays;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.string.WildCardMatcher;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.Module;
-public class Main implements Module {
- CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
- public int processedFilesCount;
- RenamingOptions options;
- /**
- * Verify that program has enough information to start executing
- *
- * @return true if all is ok, false if errors were found
- */
- public boolean checkThatThereIsEnoughDataToProceed() {
- if (options.inputPatterns.size() == 0) {
- System.out.println("Error: no input patterns given.");
- return false;
- }
- if (options.outputPattern == null) {
- System.out.println("Error: no output pattern given.");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
- final String fileName = file.getName();
- for (final String inputPattern : options.inputPatterns)
- if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern))
- return true;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Arrays;
- return false;
- }
+public class Main implements Module {
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "Mass rename files according to given pattern.";
- }
+ public int processedFilesCount;
+ CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
+ RenamingOptions options;
+ /**
+ * Verify that program has enough information to start executing
+ *
+ * @return true if all is ok, false if errors were found
+ */
+ public boolean checkThatThereIsEnoughDataToProceed() {
+ if (options.inputPatterns.size() == 0) {
+ System.out.println("Error: no input patterns given.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (options.outputPattern == null) {
+ System.out.println("Error: no output pattern given.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
+ final String fileName = file.getName();
- @Override
- public String getModuleCommand() {
- return "rename";
- };
+ for (final String inputPattern : options.inputPatterns)
+ if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
- private void processDirectory(final File directory) {
- final File[] directoryContents = directory.listFiles();
+ @Override
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "Mass rename files according to given pattern.";
+ }
- // sort directory contents alphabetically
- Arrays.sort(directoryContents);
- for (final File subFile : directoryContents)
- if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
- if (options.recursive)
- processFileOrDirectory(subFile);
- } else
- processFileOrDirectory(subFile);
- }
- private void processFile(final File file) {
- final StringBuffer targetFilePath = new StringBuffer();
- targetFilePath.append(file.getParent());
- targetFilePath.append("/");
- for (int i = 0; i < options.outputPattern.length(); i++) {
- final char c = options.outputPattern.charAt(i);
- if (c == '*')
- targetFilePath.append(file.getName());
- else if (c == '%') {
- final String processedFileCountString = String
- .valueOf(processedFilesCount);
- for (int j = 0; j < (5 - processedFileCountString.length()); j++)
- targetFilePath.append(0);
- targetFilePath.append(processedFileCountString);
- processedFilesCount++;
- } else if (c == '_')
- targetFilePath.append(" ");
- else
- targetFilePath.append(c);
- }
- final File targetFile = new File(targetFilePath.toString());
- if (!options.testOnly) {
- if (targetFile.exists())
- System.out.println("Renaming aborted because target file: "
- + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists.");
- else
- file.renameTo(targetFile);
- } else {
- System.out.println("About to rename file: "
- + file.getAbsolutePath());
- System.out.println("into: " + targetFile.getAbsolutePath());
- }
- }
- public void processFileOrDirectory(final File file) {
- if (!file.exists()) {
- System.out.println("Error: file \"" + file.getAbsolutePath()
- + "\" does not exist.");
- return;
- }
- if (file.isDirectory())
- processDirectory(file);
- else if (file.isFile())
- if (fileMatchesInputPattern(file))
- processFile(file);
- }
- public void rename() {
- processFileOrDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
- }
- @Override
- public void run(final String[] args) {
- options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
- if (options == null) {
- showCommandlineHelp();
- return;
- }
- if (checkThatThereIsEnoughDataToProceed()) {
- System.out.println("Renaming using input patterns: ");
- for (final String inputPattern : options.inputPatterns)
- System.out.println(" " + inputPattern);
- rename();
- } else
- showCommandlineHelp();
- }
- @Override
- public void showCommandlineHelp() {
- commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
- System.out.println("");
- System.out.println("Output pattern special symbols:");
- System.out.println(" % - file number");
- System.out.println(" * - original file name");
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getModuleCommand() {
+ return "rename";
+ }
+ private void processDirectory(final File directory) {
+ final File[] directoryContents = directory.listFiles();
+ // sort directory contents alphabetically
+ Arrays.sort(directoryContents);
+ for (final File subFile : directoryContents)
+ if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
+ if (options.recursive)
+ processFileOrDirectory(subFile);
+ } else
+ processFileOrDirectory(subFile);
+ }
+ private void processFile(final File file) {
+ final StringBuilder targetFilePath = new StringBuilder();
+ targetFilePath.append(file.getParent());
+ targetFilePath.append("/");
+ for (int i = 0; i < options.outputPattern.length(); i++) {
+ final char c = options.outputPattern.charAt(i);
+ if (c == '*')
+ targetFilePath.append(file.getName());
+ else if (c == '%') {
+ final String processedFileCountString = String
+ .valueOf(processedFilesCount);
+ for (int j = 0; j < (5 - processedFileCountString.length()); j++)
+ targetFilePath.append(0);
+ targetFilePath.append(processedFileCountString);
+ processedFilesCount++;
+ } else if (c == '_')
+ targetFilePath.append(" ");
+ else
+ targetFilePath.append(c);
+ }
+ final File targetFile = new File(targetFilePath.toString());
+ if (!options.testOnly) {
+ if (targetFile.exists())
+ System.out.println("Renaming aborted because target file: "
+ + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists.");
+ else
+ file.renameTo(targetFile);
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("About to rename file: "
+ + file.getAbsolutePath());
+ System.out.println("into: " + targetFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ }
+ }
+ public void processFileOrDirectory(final File file) {
+ if (!file.exists()) {
+ System.out.println("Error: file \"" + file.getAbsolutePath()
+ + "\" does not exist.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (file.isDirectory())
+ processDirectory(file);
+ else if (file.isFile())
+ if (fileMatchesInputPattern(file))
+ processFile(file);
+ }
+ public void rename() {
+ processFileOrDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void run(final String[] args) {
+ options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
+ if (options == null) {
+ showCommandlineHelp();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (checkThatThereIsEnoughDataToProceed()) {
+ System.out.println("Renaming using input patterns: ");
+ for (final String inputPattern : options.inputPatterns)
+ System.out.println(" " + inputPattern);
+ rename();
+ } else
+ showCommandlineHelp();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void showCommandlineHelp() {
+ commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
+ System.out.println("");
+ System.out.println("Output pattern special symbols:");
+ System.out.println(" % - file number");
+ System.out.println(" * - original file name");
+ }
public class RenamingOptions {
- public ArrayList<String> inputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
+ public ArrayList<String> inputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
- public boolean recursive = false;
+ public boolean recursive = false;
- public boolean testOnly = false;
+ public boolean testOnly = false;
- public String outputPattern;
+ public String outputPattern;
- public File targetDirectory;
+ public File targetDirectory;
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.replace;
-import java.io.File;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.Parser;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.DirectoryParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.NullParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.StringParameter;
+import java.io.File;
public class CommandlineHandler {
- Parser parser = new Parser();
+ Parser parser = new Parser();
- NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
- new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
- "--recursive");
+ NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
+ new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
+ "--recursive");
- StringParameter searchForPattern = parser
- .add(new StringParameter("String to search for"))
- .addAliases("-s", "--search-pattern").setMandatory();
+ StringParameter searchForPattern = parser
+ .add(new StringParameter("String to search for"))
+ .addAliases("-s", "--search-pattern").setMandatory();
- StringParameter replaceWithPattern = parser.add(
- new StringParameter("String to place instead")).addAliases("-p",
- "--replace-pattern");
+ StringParameter replaceWithPattern = parser.add(
+ new StringParameter("String to place instead")).addAliases("-p",
+ "--replace-pattern");
- DirectoryParameter directoryParameter = parser
- .add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
- .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
+ DirectoryParameter directoryParameter = parser
+ .add(new DirectoryParameter("Working directory."))
+ .addAliases("-w", "--working-directory").mustExist();
- public CommandlineOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
+ public CommandlineOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
- final CommandlineOptions options = new CommandlineOptions();
+ final CommandlineOptions options = new CommandlineOptions();
- if (!parser.parse(args))
- return null;
+ if (!parser.parse(args))
+ return null;
- if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.recursive = true;
+ if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.recursive = true;
- if (directoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.targetDirectory = directoryParameter.getValue();
- else
- options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
+ if (directoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.targetDirectory = directoryParameter.getValue();
+ else
+ options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
- if (searchForPattern.isParameterSpecified())
- options.searchForPattern = searchForPattern.getValue();
+ if (searchForPattern.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.searchForPattern = searchForPattern.getValue();
- if (replaceWithPattern.isParameterSpecified())
- options.replaceWithPattern = replaceWithPattern.getValue();
+ if (replaceWithPattern.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.replaceWithPattern = replaceWithPattern.getValue();
- return options;
- }
+ return options;
+ }
public class CommandlineOptions {
- public String searchForPattern;
+ public String searchForPattern;
- public String replaceWithPattern;
+ public String replaceWithPattern;
- public boolean recursive = false;
+ public boolean recursive = false;
- public File targetDirectory;
+ public File targetDirectory;
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.replace;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.Module;
+import java.io.*;
public class Main implements Module {
- CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
+ CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
- CommandlineOptions options;
+ CommandlineOptions options;
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "Replace one string to another string in all occurrances and all files recursively.";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "Replace one string to another string in all occurrances and all files recursively.";
+ }
- @Override
- public String getModuleCommand() {
- return "replace";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getModuleCommand() {
+ return "replace";
+ }
- public void processDirectory(final File directory) {
+ public void processDirectory(final File directory) {
- for (final File file : directory.listFiles())
- if (file.isDirectory()) {
- if (options.recursive)
- processDirectory(file);
- } else
- try {
- processFile(file);
- } catch (final IOException exception) {
- System.out.println("Error processing file: "
- + file.getAbsolutePath());
- System.out.println(" exception: "
- + exception.getMessage());
- }
+ for (final File file : directory.listFiles())
+ if (file.isDirectory()) {
+ if (options.recursive)
+ processDirectory(file);
+ } else
+ try {
+ processFile(file);
+ } catch (final IOException exception) {
+ System.out.println("Error processing file: "
+ + file.getAbsolutePath());
+ System.out.println(" exception: "
+ + exception.getMessage());
+ }
- }
+ }
- public void processFile(final File file) throws IOException {
+ public void processFile(final File file) throws IOException {
- final FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file);
- final BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
+ final FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file);
+ final BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
- final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
+ final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
- boolean contentChanged = false;
+ boolean contentChanged = false;
- while (true) {
- final String line = bufferedReader.readLine();
- if (line == null)
- break;
+ while (true) {
+ final String line = bufferedReader.readLine();
+ if (line == null)
+ break;
- final String newLine = line.replace(options.searchForPattern,
- options.replaceWithPattern);
+ final String newLine = line.replace(options.searchForPattern,
+ options.replaceWithPattern);
- if (!contentChanged)
- if (!newLine.equals(line))
- contentChanged = true;
+ if (!contentChanged)
+ if (!newLine.equals(line))
+ contentChanged = true;
- result.append(newLine);
- result.append("\n");
- }
+ result.append(newLine);
+ result.append("\n");
+ }
- bufferedReader.close();
- fileReader.close();
+ bufferedReader.close();
+ fileReader.close();
- if (contentChanged) {
- final FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file);
- fileWriter.write(result.toString());
- fileWriter.close();
- }
+ if (contentChanged) {
+ final FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(file);
+ fileWriter.write(result.toString());
+ fileWriter.close();
+ }
- }
+ }
- @Override
- public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
+ @Override
+ public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
- options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
+ options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
- if (options == null) {
- showCommandlineHelp();
- return;
- }
+ if (options == null) {
+ showCommandlineHelp();
+ return;
+ }
- processDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
+ processDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
- }
+ }
- @Override
- public void showCommandlineHelp() {
- commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
- }
+ @Override
+ public void showCommandlineHelp() {
+ commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.textsplitter;
-import java.io.File;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.Parser;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.DirectoryParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.NullParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.StringParameters;
+import java.io.File;
public class CommandlineHandler {
- Parser parser = new Parser();
+ Parser parser = new Parser();
- NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
- new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
- "--recursive");
+ NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
+ new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
+ "--recursive");
- StringParameters fileInputPatternsParameter = parser.add(
- new StringParameters("File input pattern.").addAliases("-i",
- "--input-pattern")).setMandatory();
+ StringParameters fileInputPatternsParameter = parser.add(
+ new StringParameters("File input pattern.").addAliases("-i",
+ "--input-pattern")).setMandatory();
- StringParameters splitPatternsParameter = parser
- .add(new StringParameters("File split regular expression."))
- .addAliases("-s", "--split-pattern").setMandatory();
+ StringParameters splitPatternsParameter = parser
+ .add(new StringParameters("File split regular expression."))
+ .addAliases("-s", "--split-pattern").setMandatory();
- DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser.add(
- new DirectoryParameter("Working directory.")).addAliases("-w",
- "--working-directory");
+ DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser.add(
+ new DirectoryParameter("Working directory.")).addAliases("-w",
+ "--working-directory");
- public TextSplittingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
+ public TextSplittingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
- final TextSplittingOptions options = new TextSplittingOptions();
+ final TextSplittingOptions options = new TextSplittingOptions();
- if (!parser.parse(args))
- return null;
+ if (!parser.parse(args))
+ return null;
- if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.recursive = true;
+ if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.recursive = true;
- if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.targetDirectory = workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
- else
- options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
+ if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.targetDirectory = workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
+ else
+ options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
- if (fileInputPatternsParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.fileInputPatterns.addAll(fileInputPatternsParameter
- .getValue());
+ if (fileInputPatternsParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.fileInputPatterns.addAll(fileInputPatternsParameter
+ .getValue());
- if (splitPatternsParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.textSplitPatterns.addAll(splitPatternsParameter.getValue());
+ if (splitPatternsParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.textSplitPatterns.addAll(splitPatternsParameter.getValue());
- return options;
- }
+ return options;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.textsplitter;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.BufferedWriter;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.string.String2;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.string.WildCardMatcher;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.Module;
+import java.io.*;
public class Main implements Module {
- CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
+ CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
- TextSplittingOptions options;
+ TextSplittingOptions options;
- public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
- final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase();
+ public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
+ final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase();
- for (final String inputPattern : options.fileInputPatterns)
- if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern.toLowerCase()))
- return true;
+ for (final String inputPattern : options.fileInputPatterns)
+ if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern.toLowerCase()))
+ return true;
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "Split text with long lines into multiple shorter lines.";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "Split text with long lines into multiple shorter lines.";
+ }
- @Override
- public String getModuleCommand() {
- return "splittext";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getModuleCommand() {
+ return "splittext";
+ }
- private File getTargetFile(final File sourceFile) {
- final StringBuffer targetFilePath = new StringBuffer();
- targetFilePath.append(sourceFile.getParent());
- targetFilePath.append("/");
- targetFilePath.append(FilePathParser
- .getFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile));
+ private File getTargetFile(final File sourceFile) {
+ final StringBuilder targetFilePath = new StringBuilder();
+ targetFilePath.append(sourceFile.getParent());
+ targetFilePath.append("/");
+ targetFilePath.append(FilePathParser
+ .getFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile));
- targetFilePath.append(".splitted");
+ targetFilePath.append(".splitted");
- // add file extension
- {
- final String fileExtension = FilePathParser
- .getFileExtension(sourceFile);
+ // add file extension
+ {
+ final String fileExtension = FilePathParser
+ .getFileExtension(sourceFile);
- if (fileExtension.length() > 0)
- targetFilePath.append("." + fileExtension);
- }
- return new File(targetFilePath.toString());
- }
+ if (fileExtension.length() > 0)
+ targetFilePath.append("." + fileExtension);
+ }
+ return new File(targetFilePath.toString());
+ }
- public void processDirectory(final File directory) {
+ public void processDirectory(final File directory) {
- for (final File subFile : directory.listFiles())
- if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
- if (options.recursive)
- processDirectory(subFile);
- } else if (fileMatchesInputPattern(subFile))
- try {
- processFile(subFile);
- } catch (final IOException exception) {
- System.out.println("Error processing file: "
- + subFile.getAbsolutePath());
- System.out.println(" exception: "
- + exception.getMessage());
- }
+ for (final File subFile : directory.listFiles())
+ if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
+ if (options.recursive)
+ processDirectory(subFile);
+ } else if (fileMatchesInputPattern(subFile))
+ try {
+ processFile(subFile);
+ } catch (final IOException exception) {
+ System.out.println("Error processing file: "
+ + subFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ System.out.println(" exception: "
+ + exception.getMessage());
+ }
- }
+ }
- public void processFile(final File file) throws IOException {
- final File targetFile = getTargetFile(file);
+ public void processFile(final File file) throws IOException {
+ final File targetFile = getTargetFile(file);
- final BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
- new FileReader(file));
+ final BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
+ new FileReader(file));
- final BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(
- new FileWriter(targetFile));
+ final BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(
+ new FileWriter(targetFile));
- while (true) {
- final String readLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
- if (readLine == null)
- break;
+ while (true) {
+ final String readLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
+ if (readLine == null)
+ break;
- final String2 cuttableString = new String2(readLine);
+ final String2 cuttableString = new String2(readLine);
- while (!cuttableString.isEmpty()) {
- for (final String pattern : options.textSplitPatterns)
- if (WildCardMatcher.match(cuttableString.toString(),
- pattern))
- bufferedWriter.write("\n");
+ while (!cuttableString.isEmpty()) {
+ for (final String pattern : options.textSplitPatterns)
+ if (WildCardMatcher.match(cuttableString.toString(),
+ pattern))
+ bufferedWriter.write("\n");
- final String character = cuttableString.cutLeft(1);
- bufferedWriter.append(character);
- }
+ final String character = cuttableString.cutLeft(1);
+ bufferedWriter.append(character);
+ }
- bufferedWriter.write("\n");
- }
+ bufferedWriter.write("\n");
+ }
- bufferedReader.close();
- bufferedWriter.close();
- }
+ bufferedReader.close();
+ bufferedWriter.close();
+ }
- @Override
- public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
+ @Override
+ public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
- options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
+ options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
- if (options == null) {
- showCommandlineHelp();
- return;
- }
- processDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
+ if (options == null) {
+ showCommandlineHelp();
+ return;
+ }
+ processDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
- }
- @Override
- public void showCommandlineHelp() {
- commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
- }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void showCommandlineHelp() {
+ commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
+ }
public class TextSplittingOptions {
- public ArrayList<String> fileInputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
+ public ArrayList<String> fileInputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
- public ArrayList<String> textSplitPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
+ public ArrayList<String> textSplitPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
- public boolean recursive = false;
+ public boolean recursive = false;
- public File targetDirectory;
+ public File targetDirectory;
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.texttruncate;
-import java.io.File;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.Parser;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.DirectoryParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.NullParameter;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.commandline.parameterparser.parameter.StringParameters;
+import java.io.File;
public class CommandlineHandler {
- Parser parser = new Parser();
+ Parser parser = new Parser();
- NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
- new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
- "--recursive");
+ NullParameter recursiveParameter = parser.add(
+ new NullParameter("Enable recursive mode.")).addAliases("-r",
+ "--recursive");
- StringParameters inputPatternParameter = parser.add(
- new StringParameters("File input pattern.")).addAliases("-i",
- "--input-pattern");
+ StringParameters inputPatternParameter = parser.add(
+ new StringParameters("File input pattern.")).addAliases("-i",
+ "--input-pattern");
- DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser.add(
- new DirectoryParameter("Working directory.")).addAliases("-w",
- "--working-directory");
+ DirectoryParameter workingDirectoryParameter = parser.add(
+ new DirectoryParameter("Working directory.")).addAliases("-w",
+ "--working-directory");
- public TextTruncatingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
+ public TextTruncatingOptions parseCommandlineArguments(final String[] args) {
- final TextTruncatingOptions options = new TextTruncatingOptions();
+ final TextTruncatingOptions options = new TextTruncatingOptions();
- if (!parser.parse(args))
- return null;
+ if (!parser.parse(args))
+ return null;
- if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.recursive = true;
+ if (recursiveParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.recursive = true;
- if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.targetDirectory = workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
- else
- options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
+ if (workingDirectoryParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.targetDirectory = workingDirectoryParameter.getValue();
+ else
+ options.targetDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
- if (inputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
- options.inputPatterns.addAll(inputPatternParameter.getValue());
+ if (inputPatternParameter.isParameterSpecified())
+ options.inputPatterns.addAll(inputPatternParameter.getValue());
- return options;
- }
+ return options;
+ }
package eu.svjatoslav.meviz.texttruncate;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
-import java.io.BufferedWriter;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileReader;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.file.FilePathParser;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.string.String2;
import eu.svjatoslav.commons.string.WildCardMatcher;
import eu.svjatoslav.meviz.Module;
+import java.io.*;
public class Main implements Module {
- public static final int targetLineLength = 200;
+ public static final int targetLineLength = 200;
- public static final int maxSplittedLines = 3;
+ public static final int maxSplittedLines = 3;
- public static final String splitLinePrefix = " ";
+ public static final String splitLinePrefix = " ";
- CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
+ CommandlineHandler commandlineHandler = new CommandlineHandler();
- TextTruncatingOptions options;
+ TextTruncatingOptions options;
- public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
- final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase();
+ public boolean fileMatchesInputPattern(final File file) {
+ final String fileName = file.getName().toLowerCase();
- for (final String inputPattern : options.inputPatterns)
- if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern.toLowerCase()))
- return true;
+ for (final String inputPattern : options.inputPatterns)
+ if (WildCardMatcher.match(fileName, inputPattern.toLowerCase()))
+ return true;
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
- @Override
- public String getDescription() {
- return "Truncate text with long lines into multiple shorter lines.";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "Truncate text with long lines into multiple shorter lines.";
+ }
- @Override
- public String getModuleCommand() {
- return "trunctext";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getModuleCommand() {
+ return "trunctext";
+ }
- private File getTargetFile(final File sourceFile) {
- final StringBuffer targetFilePath = new StringBuffer();
- targetFilePath.append(sourceFile.getParent());
- targetFilePath.append("/");
- targetFilePath.append(FilePathParser
- .getFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile));
+ private File getTargetFile(final File sourceFile) {
+ final StringBuilder targetFilePath = new StringBuilder();
+ targetFilePath.append(sourceFile.getParent());
+ targetFilePath.append("/");
+ targetFilePath.append(FilePathParser
+ .getFileNameWithoutExtension(sourceFile));
- targetFilePath.append(".truncated");
+ targetFilePath.append(".truncated");
- // add file extension
- {
- final String fileExtension = FilePathParser
- .getFileExtension(sourceFile);
+ // add file extension
+ {
+ final String fileExtension = FilePathParser
+ .getFileExtension(sourceFile);
- if (fileExtension.length() > 0)
- targetFilePath.append("." + fileExtension);
- }
- return new File(targetFilePath.toString());
- }
+ if (fileExtension.length() > 0)
+ targetFilePath.append("." + fileExtension);
+ }
+ return new File(targetFilePath.toString());
+ }
- public void processDirectory(final File directory) {
+ public void processDirectory(final File directory) {
- for (final File subFile : directory.listFiles())
- if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
- if (options.recursive)
- processDirectory(subFile);
- } else if (fileMatchesInputPattern(subFile))
- try {
- processFile(subFile);
- } catch (final IOException exception) {
- System.out.println("Error processing file: "
- + subFile.getAbsolutePath());
- System.out.println(" exception: "
- + exception.getMessage());
- }
+ for (final File subFile : directory.listFiles())
+ if (subFile.isDirectory()) {
+ if (options.recursive)
+ processDirectory(subFile);
+ } else if (fileMatchesInputPattern(subFile))
+ try {
+ processFile(subFile);
+ } catch (final IOException exception) {
+ System.out.println("Error processing file: "
+ + subFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ System.out.println(" exception: "
+ + exception.getMessage());
+ }
- }
+ }
- public void processFile(final File file) throws IOException {
- final File targetFile = getTargetFile(file);
+ public void processFile(final File file) throws IOException {
+ final File targetFile = getTargetFile(file);
- final BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
- new FileReader(file));
+ final BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
+ new FileReader(file));
- final BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(
- new FileWriter(targetFile));
+ final BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(
+ new FileWriter(targetFile));
- while (true) {
- final String readLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
- if (readLine == null)
- break;
+ while (true) {
+ final String readLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
+ if (readLine == null)
+ break;
- if (readLine.length() <= targetLineLength)
- bufferedWriter.write(readLine + "\n");
- else {
+ if (readLine.length() <= targetLineLength)
+ bufferedWriter.write(readLine + "\n");
+ else {
- final String2 cuttableString = new String2(readLine);
+ final String2 cuttableString = new String2(readLine);
- bufferedWriter.write(cuttableString.cutLeft(targetLineLength)
- + "\n");
+ bufferedWriter.write(cuttableString.cutLeft(targetLineLength)
+ + "\n");
- int splittedLinesCount = 0;
+ int splittedLinesCount = 0;
- while (!cuttableString.isEmpty()) {
- splittedLinesCount++;
- if (splittedLinesCount >= maxSplittedLines)
- break;
+ while (!cuttableString.isEmpty()) {
+ splittedLinesCount++;
+ if (splittedLinesCount >= maxSplittedLines)
+ break;
- bufferedWriter.write(splitLinePrefix
- + cuttableString.cutLeft(targetLineLength
- - splitLinePrefix.length()) + "\n");
- }
- }
+ bufferedWriter.write(splitLinePrefix
+ + cuttableString.cutLeft(targetLineLength
+ - splitLinePrefix.length()) + "\n");
+ }
+ }
- }
+ }
- bufferedReader.close();
- bufferedWriter.close();
- }
+ bufferedReader.close();
+ bufferedWriter.close();
+ }
- @Override
- public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
+ @Override
+ public void run(final String[] args) throws IOException {
- options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
+ options = commandlineHandler.parseCommandlineArguments(args);
- if (options == null) {
- showCommandlineHelp();
- return;
- }
+ if (options == null) {
+ showCommandlineHelp();
+ return;
+ }
- processDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
+ processDirectory(options.targetDirectory);
- }
+ }
- @Override
- public void showCommandlineHelp() {
- commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
- }
+ @Override
+ public void showCommandlineHelp() {
+ commandlineHandler.parser.showHelp();
+ }
public class TextTruncatingOptions {
- public ArrayList<String> inputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
+ public ArrayList<String> inputPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
- public boolean recursive = false;
+ public boolean recursive = false;
- public File targetDirectory;
+ public File targetDirectory;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd" >
- <appender name="stdout" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
- <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
- <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{ABSOLUTE}
- %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n" />
+ <appender name="stdout" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
+ <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
+ <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{ABSOLUTE}
+ %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n"/>
- </layout>
- </appender>
- <root>
- <priority value="info"></priority>
- <!-- <priority value="debug"></priority> -->
- <appender-ref ref="stdout" />
- </root>
+ </layout>
+ </appender>
+ <root>
+ <priority value="info"></priority>
+ <!-- <priority value="debug"></priority> -->
+ <appender-ref ref="stdout"/>
+ </root>
\ No newline at end of file