cd "${0%/*}"; if [ "$1" != "T" ]; then gnome-terminal -e "'$0' T"; exit; fi;
cd ..
-# This script will prompt the user for a topic name if it is not
-# provided as an argument. Alternatively, you can run the script with
-# the desired topic name as the first argument:
-# implement_idea <my new topic>
-# Function to ask for the topic name if not provided
-ask_for_topic() {
- read -p "Enter the topic name: " topic
- echo "$topic"
-# Use a default topic name or ask the user for one
+read -p "Enter the topic name: " TOPIC_NAME
alyverkko-cli joinfiles -t "$TOPIC_NAME" --src-dir . --pattern "*.org"
alyverkko-cli joinfiles -t "$TOPIC_NAME" --src-dir . --pattern "*.java"
alyverkko-cli joinfiles -t "$TOPIC_NAME" --src-dir . --pattern "implement*"
+alyverkko-cli joinfiles -t "$TOPIC_NAME" --src-dir . --pattern "install"
+alyverkko-cli joinfiles -t "$TOPIC_NAME" --src-dir . --pattern "uninstall"
alyverkko-cli joinfiles -t "$TOPIC_NAME" --edit
sudo rm -rf /opt/alyverkko-cli/
+read -p "Do you want to remove user configuration as well? (y/N) " remove_config
+if [[ $remove_config == [Yy] ]]; then
+ sudo rm -rf "${HOME}/.config/alyverkko-cli"