2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... updated example code
2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... Refactoring. API simplifications. Documentation updates.
2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... further restricted code visibility
2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... reduced method visibility
2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... further API simplification
2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... reduced fields and methods visibility
2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... Code refactoring. Simplified API.
2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... corrected example renderings and legend
2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... fixed files permissions
2015-03-03 Svjatoslav... workaround for apparent graphviz bug
2015-03-02 Svjatoslav... updated copyright notice
2015-03-01 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2015-03-01 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release javainspect-1.4 javainspect-1.4
2015-03-01 Svjatoslav... stabilized dependencies
2015-02-03 Svjatoslav... made license more visible
2015-02-03 Svjatoslav... added some ideas
2015-02-03 Svjatoslav... hide parent class and interface class references if...
2015-02-02 Svjatoslav... properly render fields of arrays of primitive types
2015-02-02 Svjatoslav... generate index.html using Emacs ORG mode
2015-01-26 Svjatoslav... fixed broken links
2015-01-25 Svjatoslav... modernized maven configuration
2015-01-25 Svjatoslav... possibility to specify custom target directory
2014-02-18 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2014-02-18 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release javainspect-1.3 javainspect-1.3
2014-02-18 Svjatoslav... use latest library
2014-02-18 Svjatoslav... Changed license to LGPLv3.
2013-12-27 Svjatoslav... feature to implement
2013-11-27 Svjatoslav... hide "is" getter fields for booleans of the same name
2013-11-27 Svjatoslav... moved test classes to separate directory
2013-11-25 Svjatoslav... spearately count interface implementations
2013-11-25 Svjatoslav... adjusted light colors
2013-11-25 Svjatoslav... color pictures
2013-11-21 Svjatoslav... ignore developer local files
2013-11-21 Svjatoslav... count class extensions as references when calculating...
2013-09-15 Svjatoslav... do not track local developer files
2013-09-15 Svjatoslav... bugfix: fields shall not be static
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release javainspect-1.2 javainspect-1.2
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of javainsp...
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release javainspect-1.2
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of javainsp...
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release javainspect-1.2
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... improved project documentation
2013-09-13 Svjatoslav... bugfix
2013-08-11 Svjatoslav... updated manual to reflect latest version
2013-08-11 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2013-08-11 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release javainspect-1.1 javainspect-1.1
2013-08-11 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] rollback the release of javainsp...
2013-08-11 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2013-08-11 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release javainspect-1.1
2013-07-28 Svjatoslav... moved string tokenizer to svjatoslav-commons
2013-07-28 Svjatoslav... added quick intro
2013-07-14 Svjatoslav... possibility to hide orphaned classes from graph
2013-07-13 Svjatoslav... parse annotations
2013-07-11 Svjatoslav... recognize java comments
2013-07-11 Svjatoslav... added possibility to whitelist or blacklist classes...
2013-07-08 Svjatoslav... moved parts of XML parsing into shared library
2013-07-07 Svjatoslav... java syntax parser
2013-07-06 Svjatoslav... java syntax parser
2013-07-06 Svjatoslav... java syntax parser
2013-07-05 Svjatoslav... Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
2013-07-05 Svjatoslav... started java syntax parser
2013-07-04 Svjatoslav... better representation of nested classes
2013-07-04 Svjatoslav... properly handle nested classes
2013-07-04 Svjatoslav... possibility to selectively hide classes by API
2013-07-03 Svjatoslav... implementing XSD parser
2013-07-03 Svjatoslav... refactored packages
2013-06-29 Svjatoslav... documentation update
2013-06-29 Svjatoslav... fixed SCM and maven URLs
2013-06-29 Svjatoslav... use better class name to avoid potetntial name collisions
2013-04-19 Svjatoslav... 1.0 released
2013-04-07 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2013-04-07 Svjatoslav... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release javainspect-1.0 javainspect-1.0
2013-04-07 Svjatoslav... initial commit