:PROPERTIES: :ID: bb4f96cd-458c-495b-a605-313b2e3e28d2 :END: #+TITLE: CLI Helper - library to help implementing commandline interfaces * General - This program is free software: released under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license - Program author: - Svjatoslav Agejenko - Homepage: https://svjatoslav.eu - Email: mailto://svjatoslav@svjatoslav.eu - [[https://www.svjatoslav.eu/projects/][Other software projects hosted at svjatoslav.eu]] ** Source code - [[https://www2.svjatoslav.eu/gitweb/?p=cli-helper.git;a=snapshot;h=HEAD;sf=tgz][Download latest snapshot in TAR GZ format]] - [[https://www2.svjatoslav.eu/gitweb/?p=cli-helper.git;a=summary][Browse Git repository online]] - Clone Git repository using command: : git clone https://www2.svjatoslav.eu/git/cli-helper.git - See [[https://www3.svjatoslav.eu/projects/cli-helper/apidocs/][JavaDoc]] * Overview :PROPERTIES: :ID: fef7ebc3-0f00-4b82-a926-c0cfdf709762 :END: - See also: [[https://www3.svjatoslav.eu/projects/svjatoslav_commons/apidocs/][CLI Helper JavaDoc]]. This is library intended to facilitate creation of commandline applications in Java programming language. Library is packaged as an artifact to Maven repository. This makes it simple to add library as dependency to your project. Library provides following general functionalities: - [[id:4fca35e4-fdf1-4675-a36f-6206d6fb72cb][Asking for user input]] - [[id:46115263-ed3d-4acc-9ec5-523d7acf87b8][Commandline arguments processing]] ** Ask for user input :PROPERTIES: :ID: 4fca35e4-fdf1-4675-a36f-6206d6fb72cb :END: - askBoolean() :: Asks the user to enter a boolean value (yes/no). - askLong() :: Asks the user to enter an integer. - askString() :: Asks the user to enter a string. * Getting the library Instructions to embed svjatoslav-commons library in your project: Maven pom.xml file snippet: #+BEGIN_SRC xml ... eu.svjatoslav cli-helper 1.1 ... ... svjatoslav.eu Svjatoslav repository http://www3.svjatoslav.eu/maven/ ... #+END_SRC * TODO: List of improvement suggestions: - Add more concrete examples of how to use the library in JavaDoc comments. This will help developers quickly get started and learn the API. - Provide more comprehensive unit tests for CliHelper, ParameterParser, Options and subclasses. This will ensure robustness and stability. - Add JavaDoc comments to all classes and methods where applicable. This will provide better visibility into the library's functionality for developers. - Add more option types like date/time, regular expression etc. - Document best practices for using the library in a larger project. - Implement support for more complex CLI applications like option dependencies and conflicts resolution.