DATA 28,29
DATA 29,22
-'DATA 14,22
-'DATA 15,23
-'DATA 16,24
-'DATA 17,25
-'DATA 18,26
-'DATA 19,27
-'DATA 20,28
-'DATA 21,29
DATA 30,31
DATA 31,32
DATA 32,33
DATA 44,45
DATA 45,38
-'DATA 30,38
-'DATA 31,39
-'DATA 32,40
-'DATA 33,41
-'DATA 34,42
-'DATA 35,43
-'DATA 36,44
-'DATA 37,45
DATA 46,47
DATA 47,48
DATA 48,49
DATA 54,3
DATA 55,7
-'DATA 62,63
DATA 999, 999
' right handlebars
DATA 100,0,100
DATA 100,50,100
DATA -650,0,-100
DATA -650,50,-100
- ' alumine joon
+ ' bottom line
DATA 100,75,-100
DATA -650,75,-100
DATA 100,75,100
DATA -650,75,100
- ' kallas
+ ' shore
DATA 75,75,-100
DATA 75,75,100
- 'parem
+ 'right
DATA -50,200,-100
DATA -50,200,100
DATA 75,200,-190
DATA 75,200, 190
- 'vasak
+ 'left
DATA -525,200,-100
DATA -525,200, 100
DATA 999,999,999
'right handlebars
-'DATA 0,1
DATA 2,3
DATA 4,5
DATA 6,7
DATA 24,25
DATA 26,27
DATA 28,29
-'DATA 30,31
'left handlebars
-'DATA 32,33
DATA 34,35
DATA 36,37
DATA 38,39
DATA 56,57
DATA 58,59
DATA 60,61
-'DATA 62,63
- ' sild ise
-'DATA 0,30
-'DATA 1,31
-'DATA 32,62
-'DATA 33,63
-' pikad
+' long features
DATA 0,4
DATA 4,8
DATA 8,12
-' l�pp
+' end
DATA 1,33
DATA 31,63
DATA 32,64
DATA 30,67
DATA 62,65
- ' kallas
+ ' shore
DATA 68,69
DATA 70,71
DATA 68,70
DATA 73,71
DATA 73,69
- 'vasak
+ 'left
DATA 74,76
DATA 75,77
DATA 74,75
DATA 75,67
DATA 77,67
DATA 999, 999
SUB calcsin
-REM Calculating SIN and COS data...
+' precalculating sine and cosine tables
FOR a! = 0 TO 359 / 57.29577951# STEP 1 / 57.29577951#
cosine&(a) = INT(.5 + COS(a!) * 1024)
SUB getcor
-REM Loading original points and connected points
+' Loading original points and connected points
FOR a = 0 TO 10000
READ x(a), y(a), cz(a)
IF x(a) = 999 THEN x(a) = 0: y(a) = 0: cz(a) = 0: GOTO 1
getgus1 70, 20, 70, 0
getgus1 70, 0, 60, -10
getgus1 60, -10, -70, -10
-'LOCATE 1, 1
-'PRINT mitgus
SUB setgus
-REM Updating tank position
+' Updating tank position
gusxp = gusxp + ssu
smes = smes + ssu
IF smes > 15 THEN smes = 1
speed = 0
-'deg1 = 270
-'deg2 = 0
-'deg3 = 90
deg1 = 210
deg2 = 20
deg3 = 90
-' 4D engine\r
+' 4D engine. It renders 5-cell (aka. pentachoron) as a series of 3D tetrahedrons with varying brightness.\r
+' Brightness is used to represent shift in fourth dimension.\r
+' In essence you can look at 3D object as a series of 2D crossections along third dimension.\r
+' Here we look at 4D object as series of 3D crossections with varying brightness (to distinguish between them).\r
+' 4 dimensions also make it possible to rotate object along 6 different axis.\r
+' Interestingly shape of the object changes in 3D space when it is rotated\r
+' along any of the axis that involves 4th dimension.\r
' made by Svjatoslav Agejenko\r
' in 2003.08\r
' H-Page:\r
' E-Mail:\r
- \r
DECLARE SUB chlin (x1!, y1!, z1!, q1!, x2!, y2!, z2!, q2!)\r
DECLARE SUB rot (x1!, y1!, z1!, q1!, x4!, y4!, z4!, q4!)\r
DECLARE SUB setpal ()\r
FUNCTION vahe (x1, y1, z1, q1, x2, y2, z2, q2)\r
vahe = SQR((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2 + (z1 - z2) ^ 2 + (q1 - q2) ^ 2)\r